The number '33' is important to Freemasons, and as I see it is used as a signaling device to other Freemasons that an event is fake. Thus was JFK 'killed' on 11-22 (=33), first shot fired at 12:30 (=33), Dealey Plaza on the 33rd parallel. The Columbine "massacre" was officially declared to be over at 3:30 that afternoon. And on and on it goes.
I bring this up because I knew well ahead of most skeptics that the pandemic was fake because of the day they chose to announce it, March 11, 3 *11 = 33.
What is the unlabeled chart at the beginning? It looks like it relates to US deaths, with the mass casualties in 2020 labeled "false flag." Was that your intent? There were more than 450k excess deaths in the US in 2020, with the mortality data pointing to mass-murder like a beacon. So was this a possible mass-murder, or a massive criminal conspiracy to fabricate deaths to make it look like a democide? The US mortality data is summarized here:
Okay, sorry--I see you were just talking about people using the term "false flag," not whether the massive increase in deaths in 2020 qualifies as one. Seems like there should be a correlation--except that very few people seem to know about the increase in deaths, so they must be talking about something else Covid-related...
I hear well what you're saying about people who have only just caught on (say within the last decade - not just since the covid thing). I say the last decade because if we examine the history of cognitive infiltration 2.0 (coincides with web 2.0 - prior to this it was more like covert human infiltration in the real world) and 'fake' versions of false flags then we're really going back I'd say 15 years give or take.
In order to push the fake events narrative, as I've said before, they really do need to at least carry out a few fake ones, masquerading as real FFs. But they also need to make sure the 'truth movement' knows about it. They can do this via their agents/cognitive infiltrators, of course, if the conspiracy theory subculture (I think that's a better term than truth movement) doesn't notice. And, naturally, in order to do this, they need to release enough 'evidence' for fakery - this is blindingly obvious with the Manchester incident. Or should be.
This is why I say we should be exploring this narrative - or narrative shift (from false flag to fakery). Analysing this or that specific event is all well and good and not without merit, but not if it means missing the big picture.
I think a lot of it is about capturing all those people who have 'arrived' in the last decade or so. To present them with a different (false) version of history, and instil learned helplessness into them, with all that entails (deferring to epistemic authorities etc.).
We're definitely heading for 1984, in that, and so many other regards. Rather than Brave New World, I mean. I believe the cabal have finally made their decision about that choice. Perhaps this is why a lot of those cognitive infiltrators, likewise, are continuing to drone on about the WEF and the Great Reset and all that. Because that's BNW, not 1984.
I knew the moon landings were obviously fake, JFK was killed by the state and 911 didn't add up (although I hadn't looked into it too deeply) but I spent most of my life completely immersed in the bread and circuses of football. I didn't trust government but up until 2020 they had mainly stayed out of my life.
As soon as the scamdemic started I knew something major was happening. The fact that all governments were implementing restrictions on freedom in 'lockstep' should have been a red flag for everyone but instead it was seen as proof that 'if they are all doing it things must be bad'.
If the proven lies and deception perpetrated by governments, media and the medical profession during the last 4+ years didn't make people realise that we've been lied to about pretty much everything then nothing will.
I have spent the last few years reading numerous books trying to 'catch up' with people like yourself that have been 'awake' for decades, so I now realise how blinkered I was for about 35 years of my adult life.
Although it's affected the relationships with many of my close family and friends I am enjoying and embracing my new found knowledge and 'conspiracy theorist' label. I am very fortunate that my wife is also doing the same.
The evidence indicates that the "moon landings hoax" is a psyop just like Flat Earth. All the prominent hoaxers including Bill Kaysing, Dave McGowan, Massimo Mazzucco and Bart Sibrel are agents who do not put forward a single word that refutes the moon landings. They mix their truth with lies on other subjects such as 9/11 but there isn't a single word of truth refuting the moon landings. If astronauts really didn't land on the moon these guys would put forward a little truth at least against the reality of the moon landings ... but they don't have a single word.
There is no such thing as a false flag in the classic sense of the term. False flag is a propaganda term to make you think that the crime was committed but those responsible were different when the crime is never committed, it's always staged. Sure on 9/11 they brought down the buildings but they didn't kill or injure the people - you can't do that in demolitions, that's against professional standards and ethics while you can get thousands of health professionals to inject people with toxic substances based on over 200 years of fraudulent science. Kit Knightley speaks of "false false flags" - they're ALL false false flags.
"... that all governments were implementing restrictions on freedom in 'lockstep' should have been a red flag ..."
Question: Who or what *supranational force* is more powerful than sovereign governments to force some 190 odd countries to lockdown in 2020 in lockstep with one another with little or no variation?
Answer: Whoever it is who controls the Swiss banks, the London banks (in the square mile City of London Corporation zone within London), and the B.I.S. [Bank for International Settlements], which control all of the national debts of the 190 nations, and hence control those nations' ability to continue operating, even though most of these *allegedly sovereign*, but in reality *fake*, governments are essentially BANKRUPT.
Hypothesis: The BANKERS gave 190 nations of the world this ultimatum: Either KILL off some number of your own citizens using "public health" countermeasures/injections, OR ELSE we the banks will SHUT OFF your effing country's credit.
Switzerland. The nice "neutral" country that produces fine watch movements, delicious milk chocolates, and cuckoo clocks, but NEVER sees war within its borders. The death and destruction is always experienced by all of the surrounding countries -- England, France, Germany, Italy, Russia, Spain, Japan, Ukraine, Iraq, Syria, etc., -- but NEVER the "nice" "neutral" banking country of Switzerland, which finances BOTH sides of the World Wars, and literally makes a KILLING!
Switzerland. Home of the W.H.O. in Geneva, the B.I.S. [Bank for International Settlements] in Basel, more banks in Zurich, a new N.A.T.O. liaison office in Geneva, and whose Swiss guards in their pretty, colorful blue, red, and yellow uniforms also guard the Vatican enclave within the City of Rome.
Sorry but that argument doesn't hold any water if 1/ you understand economics and money, and 2/ you delve into the psychology of it a little.
With regards to 2, you're assuming this is blackmail and if it weren't for the blackmail the so-called national leaders would've acted differently. Ok, we'll accept that for argument's sake for the moment.
So if we bring 1 into it, and follow that assumption, here's what happens. 'Currency' is entirely arbitrary and ultimately owned by the specific country. So give a big fucking V sign to those pathetic bankers, take over your own national bank, cancel the debt (because you don't pay yourself a debt or lend yourself money) then print as much of it as you like. Problem solved.
This is why they don't like socialism, by the way - it's a serious threat.
Remember, the 'real' economy continues regardless. The real economy being human beings going about their everyday, natural business. And the rest of nature, for that matter. Do you think grass stops growing and cows stop producing milk if Mister fucking Rothschild stops increasing the debt burden? Nope. Are humans going to stop being hungry and go looking for food, or do husbandry and obtain food? No. Are they going to stop looking after their children, with all their needs? No. I can keep going with this 'hierarchy of needs' all day if you like, and none of it requires money or debt. So if this 'control over the money supply' is all the cabal have, then it's an almighty bluff. Mind you - again - this is why they need to prevent people understanding economics. (it's also why they continue misdirecting people about Nazis. Focus people's attention on 'fascism' and 'mass murder' and 'ww2' and so on, but don't ever, ever, tell them about how the Nazis took control over the bank, cancelled the debt, and printed a billion marks in exchange for people's labour building up the infrastructure).
It would be blindingly easy, in other words, to destroy the parasite bankers if 'control over the money' was all they had. It's just a simple case of taking control away from them. What are they going to do then? Do they have an army?
No - if you take the 'blackmail' idea, then this blackmail has to be far, far more effective and threatening and powerful. And the only possible, logical answer to that one - the only blackmail threat which can truly work - is the threat of initiating an Extinction Level Event (ELE). This is also known, by the way, as the Samson Option (the real one, not the limited hangout Sy Hersh version).
Revealingly enough, this is one of those highly conspicuous things which all those cognitive infiltrators never talk about. Indeed, a lot of them are pushing the 'nuclear weapons don't exist' meme.
I would also start worrying about asteroid Apophis, if I were you... If it's not already on a collision course, then altering that course to make up the measly (in cosmic terms) 31,000km to ensure a direct hit is well within their technological capabilities.
You wrote "... take over your own national bank, cancel the debt (because you don't pay yourself a debt or lend yourself money) then print as much of it as you like. Problem solved. ..."
If attaining freedom from bankers and national debt were so simple ^as you alleged above,^ then why do countries obediently remain under control of the Western banking/B.I.S. system, when they could ... as you say ... just 'cancel the debt.'?
Answer: Because it's NOT easy for a country to withdraw from international banking/B.I.S. system. It's nearly impossible.
After WW2, the top banks now have an enforcement arm.
It's called N.A.T.O. They do assassinations of leaders who refuse to "play ball" with the Western banking system, in case you didn't know.. Think: Qaddafi in Libya, as just one example.
That Germany became such an economic success by doing something (similar to your suggested solution) shook the bankers to their core, and was a main reason why the bankers supported the Allies against Germany's rebellion, because Germany's success was a major threat to the bankers' power over nations.
And as regards blackmail: Yes, blackmail of top leaders is clearly an important control mechanism. Being photographed in compromising, criminal activities is the currency used to participate in their sick power plays ... with the dirtiest politicians/celebritards rising to the very top of the pyramid.
Here in the United States, I can still recall how in 2008 convicted "DC Madam" Deborah Jeane Palfrey was found dead in a shed "by hanging" -- an alleged "suicide" -- **but her "little black book" of Washington D.C. politician clients' names was conveniently NEVER revealed** -- just like the Jeffrey Epstein/Ghislaine Maxwell's client list is still a well-guarded secret despite her recent conviction!
Yeah - this was kind of my rhetorical point tbh. Since ww2 we have indeed seen that the cabal do, now, have an army to back up their monetary threat - as you say, that's NATO. So as we have repeatedly seen since ww2 NATO has been used to systematically target and destroy socialism and socialist countries, because (liberal) socialist economics is the greatest threat to their feudalist world order (along with public understanding of proper economics, of course - this also applies to cognitive infiltrators in the conspiracy theory subculture - who are largely right-wing, ironically as Agent Slazenger/Marianna suggests). So we have seen one small country after another be portrayed as dictatorial regimes and threat to their neighbours yadda yadda yadda then isolated and destroyed - your example of Libya is a good one. Mossadegh in Iran is another good one. Likewise Syria. Iran being another.
For larger countries, especially those generally seen as liberal democracies, it's a different story though, because if America, say, declared war on Britain simply for nationalising their banking system then this would totally expose them to everyone, leading to the ultimate revolution. We notice, after all, that they always need to come up with a propaganda excuse for war that doesn't involve economics. And that's telling.
Then we have Russia/China - of course they've already primed the people for war with them - again not involving economics. But the reason the Empire is panicking right now is because they know they'd lose any war against Russia/China. So the army threat doesn't hold. I'd imagine Russia/China are playing a long game here, which is why they 'appear' to be collaborating all the time (e.g. Covid).
Thus, like you say (and I hinted at), they do need other fallback threats. The ELE/Samson Option is obviously the last resort (it's actually largely a huge semi-bluff tbh, because they can only use it if circumstances tell them if they don't use it they will be finally exterminated - so you can push the limits a lot further than one might think - spooks reading this take note btw).
And then - as you say - there's the personal blackmail option - which is why they put an inordinate amount of effort into protecting the child abuse network - the exposure of this to the general public would likewise lead to the ultimate revolution (because people would be horrified at the details - cf. Dutroux).
Then, finally, there are simply willing collaborators ('you can be part of our dominant social group' etc.), along with 'infiltration' of various national political systems (young global leaders and all that), as well as Manchurian candidates (also intimately linked with the abuse network - which creates multiple personality systems which can be programmed etc. - notice how the Maddie McCann case has been misdirected lately into completely different hypotheses (ironically including by the likes of RDH) - which reminds me I must do some research on that).
Anyhow - I think we are probably largely in agreement about all this - I think my main point is that it's really not as simple as just 'economic/banking threats' - there's a lot more to it than that and it gets quite complex and very dirty (especially on the espionage level).
For all the countries of the world to act in unison in 2020 like obedient little children, logically then there must be some entity even more powerful than the DOD and individual nation states.
I suspect the more powerful entity is the banks, since the banks -- especially the B.I.S. (the Bank of International Settlements) in Basel, the Swiss Banks, the London banks -- have the ability to turn off the credit spigot to any non-compliant countries if these essentially bankrupt individual governments should refuse to follow the order to kill off some percent % of their own population.
Here in the United States, we are some 40 trillion in debt.
Any other corporation, business, or household so badly in debt would simply cease operations.
But the U.S. still operates and exists at the pleasure of its master, i.e. the Swiss banks & NATO as their enforcement arm. Anyhow, that is who I suspect: the banks & NATO, though I cannot prove it.
Hello Francis, you have come a long way from being a lowly, supposedly extremist conspiracy theorist with a tiny following haven't you? Now the undeniable truth of what you preach has become such a threat to the establishment, that anything by you on youtube automatically earns a sickenly Orwellian sticker. But I think that because of people like you we now have the globalists on the run, witness the miserable 15% uptake of "boosters" among NHS staff. Every day now I read something that makes me gloat over the schadenfreude it elicits.
Thank you, David, I take your point in the spirit it was intended but my situation hasn't changed much except for the world becoming increasingly strange around me. I am still a lowly supposed extremist conspiracy theorist and was censored by YouTube from when I first made videos in 2020 -although without the label. Back then I had more followers on Facebook than I now do on here.
Given the attention afforded utter nonsense, including by (supposedly) credible people, it is depressing that you and other informed & sane people like you have been so successfully oublietted. Several of whom especially yourself write well, are good on camera and at public speaking, but most importantly have well thought out and researched opinions.
The price for being on the right side of all this I guess. Assuming the right side is pursuing objective truth and volunteering for the unpaid fulltime job of trying to rouse or protect the more vulnerable sleepers.
Think what the honest could do for humanity with the billions spanked on convid PPE and all the other psyops, or even just the millions grifted from well meaning people by the fake-awake circle jerk of Sophists.
Keep going though brother, it ain't about the followers but the path we're following (so long as that's not one liberally sprinkled with breadcrumbs) fist bump emoji
Is the 9/11 "truth" movement a distraction movement?
What happens if you ask TRUTH questions?
9/11 Truth Suppression Timeline
"The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves." - Vladimir Lenin
Great phrase - I am using it here.
Can you come on my show to discuss? Please contact me via my website.
Thanks for the share. I am happy to come on your show.
The number '33' is important to Freemasons, and as I see it is used as a signaling device to other Freemasons that an event is fake. Thus was JFK 'killed' on 11-22 (=33), first shot fired at 12:30 (=33), Dealey Plaza on the 33rd parallel. The Columbine "massacre" was officially declared to be over at 3:30 that afternoon. And on and on it goes.
I bring this up because I knew well ahead of most skeptics that the pandemic was fake because of the day they chose to announce it, March 11, 3 *11 = 33.
You might like this article and the series of which it is a part.
What is the unlabeled chart at the beginning? It looks like it relates to US deaths, with the mass casualties in 2020 labeled "false flag." Was that your intent? There were more than 450k excess deaths in the US in 2020, with the mortality data pointing to mass-murder like a beacon. So was this a possible mass-murder, or a massive criminal conspiracy to fabricate deaths to make it look like a democide? The US mortality data is summarized here:
No, the link is provided in the text.
Okay, sorry--I see you were just talking about people using the term "false flag," not whether the massive increase in deaths in 2020 qualifies as one. Seems like there should be a correlation--except that very few people seem to know about the increase in deaths, so they must be talking about something else Covid-related...
Excellent article Francis and one I'm now going to send to several of the people I still have some hope for in that medical freedumb crowd!
I hear well what you're saying about people who have only just caught on (say within the last decade - not just since the covid thing). I say the last decade because if we examine the history of cognitive infiltration 2.0 (coincides with web 2.0 - prior to this it was more like covert human infiltration in the real world) and 'fake' versions of false flags then we're really going back I'd say 15 years give or take.
In order to push the fake events narrative, as I've said before, they really do need to at least carry out a few fake ones, masquerading as real FFs. But they also need to make sure the 'truth movement' knows about it. They can do this via their agents/cognitive infiltrators, of course, if the conspiracy theory subculture (I think that's a better term than truth movement) doesn't notice. And, naturally, in order to do this, they need to release enough 'evidence' for fakery - this is blindingly obvious with the Manchester incident. Or should be.
This is why I say we should be exploring this narrative - or narrative shift (from false flag to fakery). Analysing this or that specific event is all well and good and not without merit, but not if it means missing the big picture.
I think a lot of it is about capturing all those people who have 'arrived' in the last decade or so. To present them with a different (false) version of history, and instil learned helplessness into them, with all that entails (deferring to epistemic authorities etc.).
We're definitely heading for 1984, in that, and so many other regards. Rather than Brave New World, I mean. I believe the cabal have finally made their decision about that choice. Perhaps this is why a lot of those cognitive infiltrators, likewise, are continuing to drone on about the WEF and the Great Reset and all that. Because that's BNW, not 1984.
Well, I guess we'll find out soon enough.
I knew the moon landings were obviously fake, JFK was killed by the state and 911 didn't add up (although I hadn't looked into it too deeply) but I spent most of my life completely immersed in the bread and circuses of football. I didn't trust government but up until 2020 they had mainly stayed out of my life.
As soon as the scamdemic started I knew something major was happening. The fact that all governments were implementing restrictions on freedom in 'lockstep' should have been a red flag for everyone but instead it was seen as proof that 'if they are all doing it things must be bad'.
If the proven lies and deception perpetrated by governments, media and the medical profession during the last 4+ years didn't make people realise that we've been lied to about pretty much everything then nothing will.
I have spent the last few years reading numerous books trying to 'catch up' with people like yourself that have been 'awake' for decades, so I now realise how blinkered I was for about 35 years of my adult life.
Although it's affected the relationships with many of my close family and friends I am enjoying and embracing my new found knowledge and 'conspiracy theorist' label. I am very fortunate that my wife is also doing the same.
Thanks for another great article Francis 👍🏻
The evidence indicates that the "moon landings hoax" is a psyop just like Flat Earth. All the prominent hoaxers including Bill Kaysing, Dave McGowan, Massimo Mazzucco and Bart Sibrel are agents who do not put forward a single word that refutes the moon landings. They mix their truth with lies on other subjects such as 9/11 but there isn't a single word of truth refuting the moon landings. If astronauts really didn't land on the moon these guys would put forward a little truth at least against the reality of the moon landings ... but they don't have a single word.
There is no such thing as a false flag in the classic sense of the term. False flag is a propaganda term to make you think that the crime was committed but those responsible were different when the crime is never committed, it's always staged. Sure on 9/11 they brought down the buildings but they didn't kill or injure the people - you can't do that in demolitions, that's against professional standards and ethics while you can get thousands of health professionals to inject people with toxic substances based on over 200 years of fraudulent science. Kit Knightley speaks of "false false flags" - they're ALL false false flags.
The fact that the most massive death explosion in history occurred in 2020 in the US has been very successfully covered up--deaths increased 19%, compared to a max increase of just 3% over at least the last half-century. Deaths remained high thru 2021. The data to back this up is here:
"... that all governments were implementing restrictions on freedom in 'lockstep' should have been a red flag ..."
Question: Who or what *supranational force* is more powerful than sovereign governments to force some 190 odd countries to lockdown in 2020 in lockstep with one another with little or no variation?
Answer: Whoever it is who controls the Swiss banks, the London banks (in the square mile City of London Corporation zone within London), and the B.I.S. [Bank for International Settlements], which control all of the national debts of the 190 nations, and hence control those nations' ability to continue operating, even though most of these *allegedly sovereign*, but in reality *fake*, governments are essentially BANKRUPT.
Hypothesis: The BANKERS gave 190 nations of the world this ultimatum: Either KILL off some number of your own citizens using "public health" countermeasures/injections, OR ELSE we the banks will SHUT OFF your effing country's credit.
Switzerland. The nice "neutral" country that produces fine watch movements, delicious milk chocolates, and cuckoo clocks, but NEVER sees war within its borders. The death and destruction is always experienced by all of the surrounding countries -- England, France, Germany, Italy, Russia, Spain, Japan, Ukraine, Iraq, Syria, etc., -- but NEVER the "nice" "neutral" banking country of Switzerland, which finances BOTH sides of the World Wars, and literally makes a KILLING!
Switzerland. Home of the W.H.O. in Geneva, the B.I.S. [Bank for International Settlements] in Basel, more banks in Zurich, a new N.A.T.O. liaison office in Geneva, and whose Swiss guards in their pretty, colorful blue, red, and yellow uniforms also guard the Vatican enclave within the City of Rome.
Sorry but that argument doesn't hold any water if 1/ you understand economics and money, and 2/ you delve into the psychology of it a little.
With regards to 2, you're assuming this is blackmail and if it weren't for the blackmail the so-called national leaders would've acted differently. Ok, we'll accept that for argument's sake for the moment.
So if we bring 1 into it, and follow that assumption, here's what happens. 'Currency' is entirely arbitrary and ultimately owned by the specific country. So give a big fucking V sign to those pathetic bankers, take over your own national bank, cancel the debt (because you don't pay yourself a debt or lend yourself money) then print as much of it as you like. Problem solved.
This is why they don't like socialism, by the way - it's a serious threat.
Remember, the 'real' economy continues regardless. The real economy being human beings going about their everyday, natural business. And the rest of nature, for that matter. Do you think grass stops growing and cows stop producing milk if Mister fucking Rothschild stops increasing the debt burden? Nope. Are humans going to stop being hungry and go looking for food, or do husbandry and obtain food? No. Are they going to stop looking after their children, with all their needs? No. I can keep going with this 'hierarchy of needs' all day if you like, and none of it requires money or debt. So if this 'control over the money supply' is all the cabal have, then it's an almighty bluff. Mind you - again - this is why they need to prevent people understanding economics. (it's also why they continue misdirecting people about Nazis. Focus people's attention on 'fascism' and 'mass murder' and 'ww2' and so on, but don't ever, ever, tell them about how the Nazis took control over the bank, cancelled the debt, and printed a billion marks in exchange for people's labour building up the infrastructure).
It would be blindingly easy, in other words, to destroy the parasite bankers if 'control over the money' was all they had. It's just a simple case of taking control away from them. What are they going to do then? Do they have an army?
No - if you take the 'blackmail' idea, then this blackmail has to be far, far more effective and threatening and powerful. And the only possible, logical answer to that one - the only blackmail threat which can truly work - is the threat of initiating an Extinction Level Event (ELE). This is also known, by the way, as the Samson Option (the real one, not the limited hangout Sy Hersh version).
Revealingly enough, this is one of those highly conspicuous things which all those cognitive infiltrators never talk about. Indeed, a lot of them are pushing the 'nuclear weapons don't exist' meme.
I would also start worrying about asteroid Apophis, if I were you... If it's not already on a collision course, then altering that course to make up the measly (in cosmic terms) 31,000km to ensure a direct hit is well within their technological capabilities.
You wrote "... take over your own national bank, cancel the debt (because you don't pay yourself a debt or lend yourself money) then print as much of it as you like. Problem solved. ..."
If attaining freedom from bankers and national debt were so simple ^as you alleged above,^ then why do countries obediently remain under control of the Western banking/B.I.S. system, when they could ... as you say ... just 'cancel the debt.'?
Answer: Because it's NOT easy for a country to withdraw from international banking/B.I.S. system. It's nearly impossible.
After WW2, the top banks now have an enforcement arm.
It's called N.A.T.O. They do assassinations of leaders who refuse to "play ball" with the Western banking system, in case you didn't know.. Think: Qaddafi in Libya, as just one example.
That Germany became such an economic success by doing something (similar to your suggested solution) shook the bankers to their core, and was a main reason why the bankers supported the Allies against Germany's rebellion, because Germany's success was a major threat to the bankers' power over nations.
And as regards blackmail: Yes, blackmail of top leaders is clearly an important control mechanism. Being photographed in compromising, criminal activities is the currency used to participate in their sick power plays ... with the dirtiest politicians/celebritards rising to the very top of the pyramid.
Here in the United States, I can still recall how in 2008 convicted "DC Madam" Deborah Jeane Palfrey was found dead in a shed "by hanging" -- an alleged "suicide" -- **but her "little black book" of Washington D.C. politician clients' names was conveniently NEVER revealed** -- just like the Jeffrey Epstein/Ghislaine Maxwell's client list is still a well-guarded secret despite her recent conviction!
Yeah - this was kind of my rhetorical point tbh. Since ww2 we have indeed seen that the cabal do, now, have an army to back up their monetary threat - as you say, that's NATO. So as we have repeatedly seen since ww2 NATO has been used to systematically target and destroy socialism and socialist countries, because (liberal) socialist economics is the greatest threat to their feudalist world order (along with public understanding of proper economics, of course - this also applies to cognitive infiltrators in the conspiracy theory subculture - who are largely right-wing, ironically as Agent Slazenger/Marianna suggests). So we have seen one small country after another be portrayed as dictatorial regimes and threat to their neighbours yadda yadda yadda then isolated and destroyed - your example of Libya is a good one. Mossadegh in Iran is another good one. Likewise Syria. Iran being another.
For larger countries, especially those generally seen as liberal democracies, it's a different story though, because if America, say, declared war on Britain simply for nationalising their banking system then this would totally expose them to everyone, leading to the ultimate revolution. We notice, after all, that they always need to come up with a propaganda excuse for war that doesn't involve economics. And that's telling.
Then we have Russia/China - of course they've already primed the people for war with them - again not involving economics. But the reason the Empire is panicking right now is because they know they'd lose any war against Russia/China. So the army threat doesn't hold. I'd imagine Russia/China are playing a long game here, which is why they 'appear' to be collaborating all the time (e.g. Covid).
Thus, like you say (and I hinted at), they do need other fallback threats. The ELE/Samson Option is obviously the last resort (it's actually largely a huge semi-bluff tbh, because they can only use it if circumstances tell them if they don't use it they will be finally exterminated - so you can push the limits a lot further than one might think - spooks reading this take note btw).
And then - as you say - there's the personal blackmail option - which is why they put an inordinate amount of effort into protecting the child abuse network - the exposure of this to the general public would likewise lead to the ultimate revolution (because people would be horrified at the details - cf. Dutroux).
Then, finally, there are simply willing collaborators ('you can be part of our dominant social group' etc.), along with 'infiltration' of various national political systems (young global leaders and all that), as well as Manchurian candidates (also intimately linked with the abuse network - which creates multiple personality systems which can be programmed etc. - notice how the Maddie McCann case has been misdirected lately into completely different hypotheses (ironically including by the likes of RDH) - which reminds me I must do some research on that).
Anyhow - I think we are probably largely in agreement about all this - I think my main point is that it's really not as simple as just 'economic/banking threats' - there's a lot more to it than that and it gets quite complex and very dirty (especially on the espionage level).
For all the countries of the world to act in unison in 2020 like obedient little children, logically then there must be some entity even more powerful than the DOD and individual nation states.
I suspect the more powerful entity is the banks, since the banks -- especially the B.I.S. (the Bank of International Settlements) in Basel, the Swiss Banks, the London banks -- have the ability to turn off the credit spigot to any non-compliant countries if these essentially bankrupt individual governments should refuse to follow the order to kill off some percent % of their own population.
Here in the United States, we are some 40 trillion in debt.
Any other corporation, business, or household so badly in debt would simply cease operations.
But the U.S. still operates and exists at the pleasure of its master, i.e. the Swiss banks & NATO as their enforcement arm. Anyhow, that is who I suspect: the banks & NATO, though I cannot prove it.
The BIS certainly requires scrutiny
Thank you, Mick. Your words in the tweet from Leo pictured in the article summed things up well.
This series is extraordinary.
Thank you!
Looking forward to part 9.
Thank you, Brandon.
Hello Francis, you have come a long way from being a lowly, supposedly extremist conspiracy theorist with a tiny following haven't you? Now the undeniable truth of what you preach has become such a threat to the establishment, that anything by you on youtube automatically earns a sickenly Orwellian sticker. But I think that because of people like you we now have the globalists on the run, witness the miserable 15% uptake of "boosters" among NHS staff. Every day now I read something that makes me gloat over the schadenfreude it elicits.
Thank you, David, I take your point in the spirit it was intended but my situation hasn't changed much except for the world becoming increasingly strange around me. I am still a lowly supposed extremist conspiracy theorist and was censored by YouTube from when I first made videos in 2020 -although without the label. Back then I had more followers on Facebook than I now do on here.
Given the attention afforded utter nonsense, including by (supposedly) credible people, it is depressing that you and other informed & sane people like you have been so successfully oublietted. Several of whom especially yourself write well, are good on camera and at public speaking, but most importantly have well thought out and researched opinions.
The price for being on the right side of all this I guess. Assuming the right side is pursuing objective truth and volunteering for the unpaid fulltime job of trying to rouse or protect the more vulnerable sleepers.
Think what the honest could do for humanity with the billions spanked on convid PPE and all the other psyops, or even just the millions grifted from well meaning people by the fake-awake circle jerk of Sophists.
Keep going though brother, it ain't about the followers but the path we're following (so long as that's not one liberally sprinkled with breadcrumbs) fist bump emoji
"The only thing we learn from history is that we learn nothing from history."
~Georg Hegel
"History is a set of lies agreed upon."
~Napoleon Bonaparte, attribution
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.“
~ George Santayana .
And the corollary to Santayana:
"Those who did learn from the past are condemned to watch while others repeat it."