I stood in the doorway looking at the empty car park. The driveway served as the entrance and exit so usually I would monitor how people arriving for my class parked so they did not make access difficult for, or take the spaces of, the businesses which shared the lot. That morning I didn't have to do that because nobody had come to my class. Eventually one lady arrived. She was over eighty with a slightly haunted aspect that was dispelled in conversation by twinkly blue eyes and a graveyard smile. She explained that other class regulars were staying at home because the media had told them that going out might make them sick. She thought it was vaguely comical but the following week she didn't come either. I later learned that her family had persuaded her not to.
It was 18th March, 2020. The fake health measure of lockdown wouldn't be announced by the depopulation advocating Prime Minister until the 23rd March, and it wouldn't officially begin until the 26th. I was expecting it but I hadn’t anticipated people shutting themselves in their homes in advance.
There was that slight sense of unreality that accompanies a heavy snowfall or some other intrusion of nature that takes precedence over normal life, and even over earning money, to empty the streets.
Unlike snow, this was not a natural event and it was not going to evaporate in a day or two.
Normal life might not be coming back. This was clear even before the media put the notion in our heads and fake politicians around the world started bleating about the, “new normal,” and “building back better.”
My feeling was one of dread and urgency. Reports said lockdown would last 18 months. It had been 18 and a half years since 9/11.
The majority of people were just too far behind.
I tried to alert people to the lockdown scam and the threat of the fake vaccines on social media. My posts received mixed responses which included some incomprehension and hostility. To one such comment I replied on April 12th 2020,
“If you are going to engage with me on subjects like this in any serious way you first have to acknowledge what happened on 9/11. It is pivotal to the way we perceive our governments, media, and current events. To enter the discussion whilst ignoring the following information is a heinous act of intellectual dishonesty.”
(The use of the word ‘heinous,’ might have been excessive but those were emotionally heightened times and evidently, in many ways, the sense of drama was infectious).
The previous day, I had begun the exchange with the post, “Government is using our humanity against us. They know that not even the staunchest rebel wants to be responsible for making a loved one sick. So if a person has even the slightest doubt they will practise this mandated inhumanity because of their humanity and compassion.”
In the ongoing debate about the Manchester Arena incident, one worry that has been aired is that in questioning victims we risk losing our humanity and compassion. It is important that we do not lose these qualities but it is also important, as it was with lockdown, that we do not allow our humanity and compassion to be used against us.
Aisling O'Loughlin worries that people, “think it's ok to turn on the victims and say we don't believe you, we think you're crisis actors. This is very, very dark territory.”
If you have read the previous parts of this series of essays, you may have found yourself disbelieving at least one purported victim. You may recognise how important it was to question the alleged victims of the alleged coronavirus that were presented to us. Welcome to the dark territory. Unfortunately, some of us have been here for longer than Aisling is aware.
When people close to me phoned I told them that the lockdown was a scam and it would last longer than three weeks. One replied in a tone of voice which was a mixture of scorn and concern that suggested I was losing a hold on reality. “Is it though, Fran? Is it?” How could I prove what I was saying? I told them to get back to me in a few months.
A few weeks later, when the state's latest neuro-linguistic programming had taken hold, a relative responded to my warnings by saying, “You're not one of these covid deniers, are you?” On the rare occasions I met people I knew in the streets and treated them to my accurate but doom-laden forebodings, they backed away from me like I was mad.
Apparently such soothsaying and predictions of the sky falling on heads are more readily received through a screen. This strategy seemed to be working for computer salesmen and modellers so I started making videos.
I lived and watched wide-eyed through the horror that unfolded, as propaganda from the screen made incursions into sensory, experienced reality. The sound of the banging of pots and pans was a regular and disturbing intrusion, as we were subjected to a practical demonstration of the maxim that empty vessels make the most noise.
You may now accept that what I was saying was true but then the onus was on me to prove it -against the prevailing view of what seemed like the rest of society. To refute this new lie from proven and murderous liars, I scrambled to find evidence that would be acceptable to the brainwashed. Back then telling people about, Lockdown, Vaccines and the Occult, or the apparent media fakery we have examined in this Victims or Actors series, would have further alienated people. Even now we have only skimmed the surface. Where decades of context was required, people were loathe to give you five minutes, or even thirty seconds without interruption.
As I wrote when discussing why people wake up to state crimes:
“In recent years society has been undermined by an excess of trust. Understanding the nature of current policies, restrictions, and propaganda, requires a demolition of that trust. Until recently, despite misgivings about individuals, the public has largely believed that their government, media, and the operation of the state, is benign. This has provided a seemingly insurmountable obstacle of incredulity for those questioning far-reaching state narratives.”
“Picking over past traumatic events,” is often considered to be futile and a drain on resources of time and energy, but people need sure footing, and an awareness of past deceptions would have prevented the horrors of lockdown and vaccinations, as it did for an informed minority.
That minority were aghast as those around them engaged wholeheartedly and half-wittedly in the kabuki theatre of lockdown. Many who did not wholly believe in the fake health measures nevertheless played the roles of masked crisis actors in a pandemic of pretence.
For some, a slow realisation dawned that every interaction with the social apparatus of the state was contaminated by deceit. It saturated the media, seeped through the floors of supermarkets, rose like damp to cover walls and windows, and flooded playgrounds and parks, to reach a new high water mark. When the tide eventually receded it left visible stains and damage, and the watchful, aware that their foundations were not secure, and in search of higher ground.
This process could have been avoided if people had been more attentive to previous state crimes, or to the voice of the outsider.
Abi Roberts told James Delingpole, “I can only deal with one atrocity at a time,” yet the deception that facilitates such atrocities is ongoing and all one. It is the extent of it with which people struggle to grasp.
I was astonished that people who knew of the truth of 9/11 and the complete control of the media it revealed would then believe the lockdown narrative without question. 9/11 whistleblower Kevin Ryan’s now censored presentation made the connections clear.
Since then we have seen people compartmentalise their awareness of the complete control of the lockdown and vaccine narratives, and hand their brains back to the media to have them programmed with stories about Black Lives Matter, Ukraine, Israel, climate change, Net Zero, Johnson, Sunak, Musk, and Trump. In the context of a discussion about the potential use of actors, the background of the Ukrainian President is notable, as is the large number of thespians who have visited him to pay performative homage. For those without awareness of previous fakery, it still seems far-fetched to suggest that the alleged assassination of actor Donald Trump was simulated to provoke the reaction it achieved.
Over and over again people are hoodwinked by actors and demonstrable liars.
Until people catch up we are left to fulfil the mocking words attributed to political strategist Karl Rove.
"We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality -- judiciously, as you will -- we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do."
Knowing now who are at the top of the pile it’s obvious that it is all meant to harm, control and destroy us. There are no saviours or positives within the system simply because it isn’t possible. It’s not permitted.
A very thoughtful piece, Francis.
The sad truth is, those of us who didn’t drink the Kool-Aid were essentially voices crying in the wilderness. We had no chance whatsoever of challenging the prevailing narrative. The masses had collectively succumbed to the sort of collective insanity reminiscent of Mao’s Cultural Revolution or mass psychogenic illness not seen since the middle ages.
The power of the spell was overwhelming enough to make mothers turn against their children. And sunder loving couples. Things that a month would have been unthinkable.
In order to see the truth they would have had to accept that the government, the BBC and the NHS were all complicit in an a act of terrible, globally-orchestrated evil.
Only a madman could believe that even though it turned out to be true.
Even I struggled to believe it at first, despite being well-versed in 9/11.
And even today I struggle to grasp the extent and depth of the evil.
Most people will never be able to.