It doesn’t make sense to me that the Royals, on one hand are upper echelon Masonic, and clearly vaccine injured on the other hand.

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What makes you think they are vaccine injured?

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Who knows what’s really going on. Just as likely they are claiming cancer to normalise turbo cancer cases in the population.

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What about trump ? Another major puppet player

Came out after Biden debate said he had covid. 3 days later cured. One year later says he took the shot and boosters. Why???? You were cured in 3 days.


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In fact what even makes you think they are ill?

The following extract is included from a previous article entitled Is the Freedom Movement Together?

In March of 2020 the British public was informed that the Prime Minister, the Health Secretary, and the Prince of Wales, had all contracted the alleged novel coronavirus in the week that the country was asked to lockdown. The lockdown officially began on the 23rd March. Charles returned a positive test on the 26th, with Johnson and Hancock reporting theirs the following day. This remarkable turn of events presented something of a publicity coup for advocates of the lockdown, reminding the public that nobody was immune from the much vaunted pestilence. Furthermore the Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, was admitted to St. Thomas Hospital in London and reported to be in intensive care.

On April 12th, 2020 Johnson made a video statement asserting that “the NHS has saved my life, no question.” On May 2nd, 2020 he told the Sun on Sunday newspaper that doctors had “prepared to announce his death as he battled coronavirus.” This does not appear to have been true. As Johnson made this comment in the public domain, investigative journalist Marcus J Ball was able to query it by FOI request. St Thomas Hospital confirmed that no preparations had been made to announce Johnson's death.

After Johnson became aware of Ball's investigation and St Thomas Hospital's FOI response, he described his illness as “really mild,” when talking to Esther McVey and Philip Davies of GB News in April 2022.

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Everything to do with the Covid debacle was sickening. It was the measures that alerted me that we were in trouble, not from the virus but from the people in power. And then it got worse, I live in Scotland and I watched one night a family who filmed on their phone the forced entry into their home by the police because they had been reported, by a neighbour, for having a "party". There were three in the house and the daughter had just been delivered home from hospital by an ambulance following a severe epileptic seizure. The poor father was brought to the ground and pinned by the police and the very ill girl was manhandled as she was trying to protect her father. All of it was horrifying but how many times has such brutality been repeated in our supposedly "free country"? I was completely asleep pre 2020 but I do not know how any human can pretend that any of this had anything to do with a viral infection.

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Really interesting take with the schizophrenic voice angle.

Have you come across the work of German neurobiologist, Dr Michael Nehls?

He just published a book called the ‘The Indoctrinated Brain’ in which he puts forward a fascinating thesis for what was going on in the minds of the Normie masses during Covid.

Covid, he shows, was a three-pronged attack on the hippocampus, the seat of the autobiographical self. Degrade its function, according to Nehls, and you get the sort of mad compliance and obedience we saw during lockdown.

He starts in the 1950s at the end of the Korean War when repatriated US soldiers would often stride across to the US receiving committee and declare ‘Tomorrow the international Soviet unites the human race!’

America was shocked and coined the term ‘brainwashing.’

An in-depth study was commissioned and they identified 8 techniques the Communists had used upon the prisoners.

These techniques formed the basis for every Covid lockdown measure. In essence, they created a situation in which the entire population was put into a form of solitary confinement, and subjected to the brainwashing techniques that have been shown can very quickly destroy the resistance of even the strongest prisoner.

In addition, the spike protein of Sars-Cov 2 directly attacks the hippocampus, and so obviously does the vaccine.

Reading it for me was a real ‘palm slapping the forehead’ moment.

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Wow. So, mind control techniques used in authoritarian regimes are similar to mind control techniques used by voices schizophrenics hear? Shocking

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The schizophrenic voice angle is new to me so I can’t comment but this is a summary of how, according to Dr Nehls, Chinese communist brainwashing techniques from the Korean War were applied to lockdown.

1. Isolation and forced monotony

Korea: Solitary confinement

Covid : Social distancing, lockdown, shielding, quarantine, no hospital visits, all entertainment cancelled: pubs, restaurants, sports clubs, all clubs etc.

2. Monopolisation of Perception

Korea: endless lectures on how amazing Communism is

Covid : Wall-to-wall media pro-narrative propaganda

3. Fear and threats

Korea: Constant threat of violence (but did not happen)

Covid : 24/7 fear porn in all media, endless death statistics etc

4. Creation of ‘out-group’ of heretics.

Korea: soldiers who resisted were excluded from the group, and blamed by the other POWs for the withholding of privileges.

Covid : Unvaccinated excluded from society, demonised, blamed for country being still locked down.

5. Humiliation through degradation

Korea: Prisoners subjected to absurd and nonsensical rules, severe punishment for disobedience

Covid: Ditto

Remember all the baffling rules on tiers and bubbles?

6. Demonstration of captor’s omnipotence and prisoner’s powerlessness

Korea: Every aspect of captivity

Covid : They even told you how many people you could invite round for Christmas dinner.

7. Occasional indulgence, then retracted, creation of false hope.

Covid: remember Boris Johnson saying it would be inhuman to cancel Christmas and then three days later he cancelled Christmas? Pure gaslighting.

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That's very interesting Malcolm, thanks for sharing. I will look up the book. I was made aware of the brainwashing techniques during lockdown very early on but I think the demonic angle is interesting given what many of us think we are up against.

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Absolutely! The demonic voices & schizophrenia angle is fascinating and something I had not heard before. I had no idea, either, about the occult meaning of rainbows. I don’t think, though, counter-intuitive as it may seem, that these different approaches—the demonic and the more nuts-and-bolts of neurobiology—are incompatible. We seem to be under assault on so many different levels: spiritual, secular, material, physical, economic and so on.

The one thing I still don’t get is the ‘Why?’ I’ve heard so many ‘explanations’. To prevent the economic system from collapsing, to crush our spirits ready for the NWO. To get the needles in our arms. None of these, though undoubtedly part of the picture, seem sufficient to me.

Why would such a relatively tiny group of unremarkable people undertake such an astonishingly complex, and intricately planned worldwide operation? Why would they bother?

If you ever feel like sharing your thoughts on that, I’d love to read them! :)

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The close connection between lockdown and brainwashing with the demonic voices is one that I have made....and I haven't seen anyone else investigate the occult symbolism of the lockdown rainbows. If we believe in a spiritual reality then it seems likely that it would be connected to our physical reality and that those who have occult knowledge could use this to manipulate those who do not.

I am pointing in the direction of the why with this series of articles. Harari tells us that they are competing with the biblical God, and the biblical framework provides reason.

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I wrote a prose poem about the whole sorry episode -


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That captures something of the melancholy of bearing witness to those that lost their way.

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Thanks mate. It’s there for future generations to look back on.

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It had to all with fear tactics put people in fear and they can do illogical things

Also you paint two sides the hero and demon the good and bag, they even labelled those not willing to comply as Antivaxxers like Antichrist

Those complied were labelled as heros and wanting to protect their family as being caring ,it was also psychological mindplay

Also marketing gimmicks were used ,prizes were given to vaccinate or threats like you will lose job if dont get if dont get jabbed

,an alliance between governments and pharma and big business and media all working to agenda

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Wow! So glad I encountered your work. I am working through the "lock down, vaccines and the occult" series now. The feeling one gets when one has such a great number of convictions and discernment level intuitions confirmed/affirmed by another who has done the work of research... well, it is a good feeling...good in the same way that a neighboring campers fire might illuminate the encroaching wolves which one had previously only felt sure they had heard and smelled. Thank you for your contribution in lighting up the darkness. Cheers! -tanner

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Thank you, Tanner. It was a strange and isolating experience to see the sinister rituals going on in a society that was largely oblivious. I am always glad when more people see the wolves.

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Yes, it was for me as well. On another note: my wife and daughter both said you are the spitting image of my 15 years younger self:) I am bad with accent placement so i cant tell if you are Scottish or Irish or English? I'm told i have descended from all three. Anyway, I do see the likeness:) Cheers!

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I am English of Irish descent. Perhaps it is not only culture that they want to destroy but something in our heritage.

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I can only imagine all the evils the enemies of God and man have and hope to accomplish. Regardless of heritage, I am thankful for the promised future inheritance of Gods children...that said, I do hope to have a thick Irish accent in heaven. Cheers!

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