I just wrote about the faux trial and how these terror hoaxes are all conducted in conjunction with the Strong Cities and Resilient Cities networks.


They’re directly connected to Agenda 21, the Core and the Gap plan, the 10 mega regions, to deliberately orchestrate wars (and “terror”) for the purposes of moving Millions in forced immigration schemes and thus bring down the standard of living in the West (packed and stacked housing, seizure of private property), while running strategy of tension policies on all citizens, to transition to forced worldwide technocracy under AI, electronic fencing, digital IDs, forced vaccination etc.

The multiple orgs and NGOs directly involved in coordinating terror hoaxes are crucial components of these operations with local “authorities”.

All alleged Terror is hoaxed. As far as I can tell. From the unabomber to the Lockerbie disaster. From the IRA and the British army to ISIS and Al Qaeda which were US creations on movie sets, mostly.

I’ve investigated countless, alleged terror acts even going back to the alleged anarchist bombings in the US by a couple of criminal mafia members posing as “anarchists”.

The goals of the controllers include multiple components:

1) To taint public opinion, against anyone who denies these events are as told and presented.

2) Use trauma based mind control and fear campaigns as a way of hypnotizing and traumatizing the public so they can’t think rationally or skeptically about the claims made by media and govt.

3) Gaining public acceptance of the oppressive laws, taxation and power of the state over the public.

4) Increasing power of ‘the state’ while turning the entire public into enemies of ‘the state’.

5) To quash any idea of rebellion, and the freedom and truth movement including voluntarism, anarchy and the institution of natural law principles instead of the tyranny that has always been operational to some degree; emanating from the Cult of Rome/Saturn.

But I’m very disappointed to continually see the pejorative term “conspiracy theorist” used when we are simply SKEPTICS.

Can we change the language and the discourse?

There’s nothing wrong or abnormal with being skeptical that a) events told by the Media and govt aren’t as described b) understanding that only a certain small powerful, wealthy and amoral group benefit from these acts and c) the govt and media consistently lie so why would we or should we believe them on any subject and d) it’s highly unlikely people randomly commit mass shootings, or blow themselves and strangers up.

There’s simply no motive for any of this. It doesn’t advance any cause.

The public’s belief in this fantasy of suicidal insane mass murderers is a fiction, entirely perpetrated by the media, govt and Hollywood.

The other thing that’s disappointing to observe is nobody in the alt media space ever explains the burden of proof is always on those who proclaim the terror is real, not those who deny the media generated AI scripted stories.


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One of the questions which interests me, which I haven't come across anyone else asking (mind you I haven't read absolutely everything so I may have missed it), is considerations of the fact that all the 'evidence' used to suggest a bomb didn't go off - the videos, mainly - are from the people who are accused of being involved in faking the event.

So the question is why did they release this information (or misinformation) into the public domain? They didn't have to, after all, and without it you wouldn't be able to reach the conclusion that it's fakery. In other words, there is an agenda there. You couldn't really call it whistleblowing, after all.

And of course, armed with that evidence, we have people like RDH being able to raise the fakery narrative. And, naturally, cause all this hoohah. So I would say that's the real agenda here. Cause a hoohah, get that law against conspiracy theorists done, and push the fake events narrative, thus creating the desired learned helplessness amongst even 'conspiracy theorists' (if you can't trust any piece of historical information anymore), and, as a nice side effect, discredit and demonise so-called conspiracy theorists - i.e. dissidents.

And of course in order to push the fake events narrative, it is indeed necessary to do a few genuinely fake events, rather than real false flag attacks. Maybe they'll go back to real attacks soon, though - that would be a clever next step in the agenda.

A very well thought out and executed plan, I would say. If I was that way inclined, I would send the perpetrators an expensive bottle of whisky and congratulate them on a job well done. Except I'd probably have to use the letters VX, which has an unfortunate double meaning.

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Do you think Miri AF is on the wrong track with regard to Richard D Hall being an asset placed to ensure false flag operations cannot be questioned without legal ramifications being manufactured?

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Apologies, not up to speed. Thanks

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This is from earlier in the year, [Feb 9th '24]. And it really is so unconvincing.

A theatrical studio production; to supposedly prime us up for believing that

Manchester was anything but a hoax. People died. Were Maimed and injured.

[God. I've lost ten minutes of my life, just watching this guff.]!!

And as well as giving out wheelchairs; the authorities, were also handing out

Equity cards, to all and sundry.

What on earth is the obviously deranged

Kate Garraway thinking; taking on the aura of a 17 year old schoolgirl

Prefect, to do the gig here. [she and husband Derrick, went through 10 years

of 'Covid' hell, live on TV before he died. God we're all suffering now.]]].

And the Wet flannel that is: Ben Shephard. Christ, how compromised must he


As for Hibbert.!!? What a grotesque creature. And the wretched polo shirt,

under the pullover, buttoned all the way up to the neck. It's horrifying. AND.

We're being encouraged to believe that [cause it's on lamestream TV] it's all

absolutely true. How could you dare to doubt them.?

Virtually everything we're told about how the World works ... Is a lie -- And we

most definitely are manipulated by Actors, Quite bad 'uns at that. The problem,

for most punters, with access to critical thinking caps, is: who are these Actors.!?

And who issued them with their cards.. ??!

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There is an interesting comment section below that video.

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When Aisling & Co "expose" other truthers without just cause their own motives come under scrutiny.

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It's when truth is obstructed that there is a cause for concern.

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Casting doubt on others can amount to obstructing truth.

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Yes, I just mean there are a range of people, opinions, and levels of awareness out there and we can't always know people's intentions. The more awareness and evidence people have the more things should become clear.

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