The difficult part is perceiving (or figuring out) where the trickery ends and the reality begins. With the Stupid-19 narrative the reality began with the first injections. The overlords will be a-ok with certain numbers of real people dying real deaths during their drills/hoaxes because, hey, you're just sheep in a pen and the culling will continue, especially if morale improves.
In addition to false flag hoaxes there are countless other scripted hoaxes that cast 'ordinary' people (often in the 'missing person' genre). The concepts are not dissimilar, and what a few years ago I'd have brushed off as "crisis actors" (as in the drills) doesn't sufficiently answer how these all come about in the first place. There's a missing link of an esoteric nature but it remains elusive.
The late "Alan Watt" stated, years ago, that they ensure there is a niche or group for everyone. He admonished his listeners NOT to join groups, which, as humans, is asking quite a bit. He also stated we are the most studied species on the planet. (Some think we may be the result of genetic experiments done long ago.) All actions have reactions and those reactions are plotted out ahead of time to the nth degree. Nothing is left to chance.
7/7 is one of the things I got really into, and certainly from a counter-espionage point of view it seems very clear that the 4 alleged bombers (especially sadiq khan) fit the profile of people who would willingly volunteer to take part in a long-term simulation, playing the part of a terrorist cell. This ties in with Operation Crevice (surveillance in Leeds), which of course suppled the 'evidence' (for the enquiry).
The simulation ended with the 'final act' so to speak, which is where Peter Power comes in. What happened to the 4 men is one of the most important questions and as far as I am aware there is zero evidence to be found in the public domain. There was, if I recall, some obscure news report about terrorists being shot and killed in Canary Wharf, but that got sent into a memory hole. If that report is correct, then it suggests that the 4 men realised they were being set up, and so they split up and tried evasion techniques (which perfectly explains Hasib Hussein's actions, namely getting off one bus, rushing over the road then getting on another heading in the opposite direction. It strikes me that it's difficult to see that scene as part of the pre-written narrative. They really don't like improvisation, after all, as it makes for mistakes.
Then there's the blasts going up through the carriage floors, which suggests bombs beneath carriages. This would explain the assassination of Jean-Charles de Menezes, an electrical contractor for the Underground, who would've been seen as another potential loose end.
I wouldn't be surprised if Peter Power was simply trying to save his own arse by saying what he did on TV and radio rather than be disappeared as a loose end.
There may have been crisis actors with the bus bomb, but I don't think that was feasible for the trains. People would've noticed an empty train in the rush hour that then ends up being blasted. Or one single empty carriage, for that matter.
In other words, from this counter-espionage perspective there is so much more to 7/7 that is completely hidden from researchers - which would also explain why the cognitive infiltrators have expended so much energy focussing people's attention on 'fakery'. So long as (honest) researchers are prevented from understanding the dark arts of espionage then the bad guys remain safe.
As you point out it was telling re 7/7 that Peter Power used the term ‘this is THE real one’ and not ‘a real one’.
A mate I used to work with, very intelligent (seemingly) senior accountant, refuses to believe that the mainstream media are liars. Before I meet up with him again I’ll send him these articles 👍🏻
Your "mate" is a coward. His refusal is willful ignorance because it's easier to believe lies than to take responsibility for oneself and one's life/thoughts. He will likely be a danger to you in the future. I hope that doesn't come off as too harsh, but I think I'm correct.
You are correct. Cowardice seems to be the default mode for most men of my age (late 50’s). It’s much easier for them to dismiss everything as ‘conspiracy theories’ so they can go back to talking about football, holidays etc. All of the mates I have had for 30+ years (bar one) are the same in that respect, I have had many heated discussions with them but sadly to no avail, so meet ups with them are far less frequent now.
The same with my friends Mick. I just don’t go near Manchester arena, 7/7 etc with them anymore. They’re the hypnotised ones. Let them be. Sadly (?) they’ll end up slowly offing themselves by way of immunosuppression from the youknowwhat
I often wonder if; when the snake oil salesman, who answers to the name of Piers Morgan, sits on his chubby bottom, in the make up dept. at some ungodly hour of the night, to have his tummy rubbed and nappy changed — before going live on ‘festering Britain today’ or ‘hallelujah UK, or whatever; that he and the rest of the crew know exactly that they’re being paid to keep the wool firmly in the eyes of the great unthinking masses. They - who need a huge hit of toxic and contentious rhetoric each morning, before heading on to their antisocial media accounts, for some full on poisonous tribal diatribe concerning: literally, fuck all of any great significance.
Crisis Actors. Bloody thousands of ‘em. Bo-Jo, Nick Halfcock. Six-hundred odd half wits in the Palace, by the river. News readers. TV Sch-lebbs. WEF spokespersons. Mr. And Mrs McCann. The man from Del Monte. Milk Tray boy. Bill and Ben. Script writers on the Ten o’clock news. Billy Smarts Circus. Lenny Henry. Eastenders. Coal from Columbia. Lamb from New Zealand. Songs of Praise… etc. etc.
It’s a veritable hoax within a conundrum, wrapped in nonsense, and gently gaslit on a medium heat, indefinitely. To say the whole wretched shitshow is duplicitous is an understatement.
And yet the supposed reality; what we’re encouraged to believe is real, is in fact more fabricated, more preposterous than one could even begin to imagine. Moon landings. Renata, ( Elton John’s ex wife) wearing a piece of cloth on your face; to protect others, ( but not if you’re sitting down, eating food)?) men having breast cancer!?#¥ Sir Kneel Stalin (yes. Just him) .. off shore companies; and what must be tantamount to hundreds of millions of pounds worth of spanking new (and empty) real estate - all along the Thames. (The prices creeping up, every few months.?!). Nothing to see here, though..
Btw, simply by writing this; I’m expending energy, making my carbon footprint much larger: and effectively burning up the planet. Possibly time to tune into a little YouTube video: Jordan Peterson, perhaps. god, it’s all this talk of hot air and men keeping their rooms tidy and not getting involved in crisis acting. Or worse: listening to Neil Oliver. Yawn. Life’s too short to peel a pepper. Or believe only half of what you see, and anything I say… Good Morning Britain !!?!
Also as you have written the numbers 9/11 in this article I’m surprised your new super fan hasn’t popped up yet with a link for you.
Perhaps you can gauge that he/she/it is in a different time zone. Or maybe they think their words of wisdom aren’t sinking in and they’ve given up on you 😂 we can hope 🤞🏻
Arghhh why isn’t this compulsory reading/viewing?!
I’m struggling so much at work trying to share this information in tiny pieces. Mostly they think I’m a bit ‘out there’ but this week I introduced the subject of BJ’s fake hospitalisation. The boss initially mocked me, one girl was silent and after what felt like an age another piped up “actually I don’t think he had covid, I think that was a lie”. Boom 💥
I had one person onside, I was no longer the lone nut. The boss went silent.
Actors !
The difficult part is perceiving (or figuring out) where the trickery ends and the reality begins. With the Stupid-19 narrative the reality began with the first injections. The overlords will be a-ok with certain numbers of real people dying real deaths during their drills/hoaxes because, hey, you're just sheep in a pen and the culling will continue, especially if morale improves.
In addition to false flag hoaxes there are countless other scripted hoaxes that cast 'ordinary' people (often in the 'missing person' genre). The concepts are not dissimilar, and what a few years ago I'd have brushed off as "crisis actors" (as in the drills) doesn't sufficiently answer how these all come about in the first place. There's a missing link of an esoteric nature but it remains elusive.
Here are some 9/11 "truther" talking head thought experiments;
Exposed: Greg Jenkins' Duper's Delight
Exposed: Richard Gage's Duper's Delight
9/11 Truth Suppression Timeline
"The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves." - Vladimir Lenin
You can download the Refutation of Richard Gage’s Game in 2008 AND 2023:
The late "Alan Watt" stated, years ago, that they ensure there is a niche or group for everyone. He admonished his listeners NOT to join groups, which, as humans, is asking quite a bit. He also stated we are the most studied species on the planet. (Some think we may be the result of genetic experiments done long ago.) All actions have reactions and those reactions are plotted out ahead of time to the nth degree. Nothing is left to chance.
7/7 is one of the things I got really into, and certainly from a counter-espionage point of view it seems very clear that the 4 alleged bombers (especially sadiq khan) fit the profile of people who would willingly volunteer to take part in a long-term simulation, playing the part of a terrorist cell. This ties in with Operation Crevice (surveillance in Leeds), which of course suppled the 'evidence' (for the enquiry).
The simulation ended with the 'final act' so to speak, which is where Peter Power comes in. What happened to the 4 men is one of the most important questions and as far as I am aware there is zero evidence to be found in the public domain. There was, if I recall, some obscure news report about terrorists being shot and killed in Canary Wharf, but that got sent into a memory hole. If that report is correct, then it suggests that the 4 men realised they were being set up, and so they split up and tried evasion techniques (which perfectly explains Hasib Hussein's actions, namely getting off one bus, rushing over the road then getting on another heading in the opposite direction. It strikes me that it's difficult to see that scene as part of the pre-written narrative. They really don't like improvisation, after all, as it makes for mistakes.
Then there's the blasts going up through the carriage floors, which suggests bombs beneath carriages. This would explain the assassination of Jean-Charles de Menezes, an electrical contractor for the Underground, who would've been seen as another potential loose end.
I wouldn't be surprised if Peter Power was simply trying to save his own arse by saying what he did on TV and radio rather than be disappeared as a loose end.
There may have been crisis actors with the bus bomb, but I don't think that was feasible for the trains. People would've noticed an empty train in the rush hour that then ends up being blasted. Or one single empty carriage, for that matter.
In other words, from this counter-espionage perspective there is so much more to 7/7 that is completely hidden from researchers - which would also explain why the cognitive infiltrators have expended so much energy focussing people's attention on 'fakery'. So long as (honest) researchers are prevented from understanding the dark arts of espionage then the bad guys remain safe.
These articles are excellent thanks Francis.
As you point out it was telling re 7/7 that Peter Power used the term ‘this is THE real one’ and not ‘a real one’.
A mate I used to work with, very intelligent (seemingly) senior accountant, refuses to believe that the mainstream media are liars. Before I meet up with him again I’ll send him these articles 👍🏻
Your "mate" is a coward. His refusal is willful ignorance because it's easier to believe lies than to take responsibility for oneself and one's life/thoughts. He will likely be a danger to you in the future. I hope that doesn't come off as too harsh, but I think I'm correct.
You are correct. Cowardice seems to be the default mode for most men of my age (late 50’s). It’s much easier for them to dismiss everything as ‘conspiracy theories’ so they can go back to talking about football, holidays etc. All of the mates I have had for 30+ years (bar one) are the same in that respect, I have had many heated discussions with them but sadly to no avail, so meet ups with them are far less frequent now.
The same with my friends Mick. I just don’t go near Manchester arena, 7/7 etc with them anymore. They’re the hypnotised ones. Let them be. Sadly (?) they’ll end up slowly offing themselves by way of immunosuppression from the youknowwhat
Thanks Mick, I hope they have the desired effect.
I often wonder if; when the snake oil salesman, who answers to the name of Piers Morgan, sits on his chubby bottom, in the make up dept. at some ungodly hour of the night, to have his tummy rubbed and nappy changed — before going live on ‘festering Britain today’ or ‘hallelujah UK, or whatever; that he and the rest of the crew know exactly that they’re being paid to keep the wool firmly in the eyes of the great unthinking masses. They - who need a huge hit of toxic and contentious rhetoric each morning, before heading on to their antisocial media accounts, for some full on poisonous tribal diatribe concerning: literally, fuck all of any great significance.
Crisis Actors. Bloody thousands of ‘em. Bo-Jo, Nick Halfcock. Six-hundred odd half wits in the Palace, by the river. News readers. TV Sch-lebbs. WEF spokespersons. Mr. And Mrs McCann. The man from Del Monte. Milk Tray boy. Bill and Ben. Script writers on the Ten o’clock news. Billy Smarts Circus. Lenny Henry. Eastenders. Coal from Columbia. Lamb from New Zealand. Songs of Praise… etc. etc.
It’s a veritable hoax within a conundrum, wrapped in nonsense, and gently gaslit on a medium heat, indefinitely. To say the whole wretched shitshow is duplicitous is an understatement.
And yet the supposed reality; what we’re encouraged to believe is real, is in fact more fabricated, more preposterous than one could even begin to imagine. Moon landings. Renata, ( Elton John’s ex wife) wearing a piece of cloth on your face; to protect others, ( but not if you’re sitting down, eating food)?) men having breast cancer!?#¥ Sir Kneel Stalin (yes. Just him) .. off shore companies; and what must be tantamount to hundreds of millions of pounds worth of spanking new (and empty) real estate - all along the Thames. (The prices creeping up, every few months.?!). Nothing to see here, though..
Btw, simply by writing this; I’m expending energy, making my carbon footprint much larger: and effectively burning up the planet. Possibly time to tune into a little YouTube video: Jordan Peterson, perhaps. god, it’s all this talk of hot air and men keeping their rooms tidy and not getting involved in crisis acting. Or worse: listening to Neil Oliver. Yawn. Life’s too short to peel a pepper. Or believe only half of what you see, and anything I say… Good Morning Britain !!?!
Also as you have written the numbers 9/11 in this article I’m surprised your new super fan hasn’t popped up yet with a link for you.
Perhaps you can gauge that he/she/it is in a different time zone. Or maybe they think their words of wisdom aren’t sinking in and they’ve given up on you 😂 we can hope 🤞🏻
There are two or three of them I am not sure about. They are like the poor, they are always with us.
Arghhh why isn’t this compulsory reading/viewing?!
I’m struggling so much at work trying to share this information in tiny pieces. Mostly they think I’m a bit ‘out there’ but this week I introduced the subject of BJ’s fake hospitalisation. The boss initially mocked me, one girl was silent and after what felt like an age another piped up “actually I don’t think he had covid, I think that was a lie”. Boom 💥
I had one person onside, I was no longer the lone nut. The boss went silent.
It’s bloody exhausting though.
Unless someone is asking you questions, they're not that interested.
It's irritating too. Maybe show your boss this. It's short enough and simple enough for anyone to read.
It sounds like one of the circles of hell.
I don’t think ignorance is one of the circles, which is why I have hope and keep trying.
Ah, but try it for an eternity.
As Meyer also states in that video “ deception is a serious business “ . Don’t we know it !
Keep pointing out the duplicity and hypocrisy and more discernment will follow.