The coordinates of the Manchester bombing event were 53°29′17″N 2°14′38″W, or read along, 8-11-8-27, with 27 often used in Freemasonry as a substitute for 3 cubed, or 3^3. (Think of all of the fake rock star deaths at age 27.) Similarly, JFK's assassination took place very close to the 33rd parallel at Dealey Plaza, but not dead on (so to speak). Here's my favorite, the Black Dahlia murder in 1947, the most famous unsolved murder in LA Police Department history (hint - it was fake), the body found at 34.0164°N 118.333°W - love those last six digits as they have a jumping-out-at-you quality. It all means nothing to me, but strikes me that Freemasons are a superstitious lot. These numbers that constantly appear in fake events mean something to them, it appears.

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Great work. The tattoos by the parents are insane.

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Yes, they are not to my taste either. They seem to be a combination of humiliation ritual, and branding in both senses of the word.

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Good god, the Royal Beekeeper must have been apoplectic with despair; at having to report the death of (their) Queen, to the swarms of her majesty’s bees, and the impending change of governors. Could have gone either way. You know what bees are like when they get riled up.

And Wag the Dog — could well have had a working title of: Hollywood: Wags its Finger. Just the whole thought of surreptitious wealthy, leftist/marxist Filmmakers (Levinson, De Niro, Hoffman, Heche et al) doing anything other than scoffing at ‘conspiracists’, Republican, Trump/Bush supporting lunatic racists.

These bedwetters would be having little tete à tete(s) at the Whitehouse with the Clintons, Obamas, bidens, Whoopi fucking Goldberg and the Clooneys. Screaming at punters to get jabbed, muzzled, stop the 9/11 nonsense, stay in the cupboard under the sink. And, chant …(mantra fashion).. ‘we’re all in this together’.!!

It’s a play within a play about a play centring on a play about a play. ‘Noises off’ style. Actors playing actors, doing ‘real punters’ utterly shambolic. Sometimes think, a picture of a starving Donkey, flashed up on the lunchtime News(?) would almost be enough to hold the whole country to ransom: people have died, and will continue to die, and more will die - in the future. Make a donation now. And we (the state) will try to stop this dying malarkey, for ever.!! No one need ever die again.

One of my favourite establishment rouses was from Princess Diana’s first day of death; all over the papers and TV; sick making soliloquies, and anecdotes, and horrendous, pretentious fawning and sycophantic virtue signalling — a headline from one of the truly grotesque red top rags du jour: why did Di have to Die. Deliciously shameful. …

Francis, mate, you make it look so easy. I read this and have no quibbles whatsoever. You’re all over it. And I totally get it. Most of us ‘converted’ (well to an extent) should bookmark this series: The Bees Knees. 12 episodes.? And obviously share it. It’s such a shame it’ll never become part of the school curriculum. You’ll soon be a National treasure, buddy.!!? I’m off now, to get a tattoo. Hmm, oh yeah, a starving Donkey. Methinks.!!

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'Diminutive songstress' - I like that. Obviously you could've called her a Monarch as well.

On a different note, however, I think you're off on a false path if you try and say symbols like rainbows and bees are somehow part of the occult (I mean the darker side of the occult).

Rainbows as a magical symbol go back thousands of years and pretty much universally have positive connotations, often symbolising a liminal area between worlds. They are of course revealed by the sun, despite it being raining.

There is obviously the association with a prism and the splitting of light into the spectrum (which is a revelation, in a way) and thus a further association with Isaac Newton, who of course was very interested in the occult sciences.

As for bees, I think saying bees are something to do with the cabal's penchant for perverted forms of the occult is a stretch too far.

I think part of the problem here - and one of the ways the cabal get away with their use of allegedly occult symbols (and numerology) is the general ignorance and lack of study of the genuine occult sciences. And so a lot of people, I'm thinking in the conspiracy theory subculture that is, will 'identify' and throw around allusions to the occult without knowing what the hell they are talking about. If they did, they'd realise the cabal's use of occult references doesn't actually mean anything other than 'we're just fucking with you again' and 'you're falling for it'.

The number 22, for example. Sure you can do some base ten counting system numerology on that (2+2 = 4 etc.), but that doesn't mean anything. The only meaning I can see in that number proves my point about them fucking with you. There are 22 major arcana in the tarot and the number 22 would refer to The Fool. So the meaning there is pretty self-explanatory.

Similar applies to other so called important numbers. 33, for example, has no important scientific meaning whatsoever. If you are working in base ten you effectively only have 9 root numbers to work with. In which case statistically speaking you can make any number relevant to something, simply by splitting up the digits and adding or multiplying or whatever. It's just numbers games, in the end.

Of course when you start thinking in terms of substitution codes, then it does indeed get intriguing. But that's another story.

So I think we should be wary of getting sidetracked by deliberately inserted red herrings. Most of them are solely designed to discredit, like demolition vans being photographed on 7/7 and then picked up on by agents making online documentaries, to name a random example that Mariannas to mind.

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I think another important point to remember is that the cabal themselves are being fucked around with by far more powerful entities. They are often only following orders, in that sense. Likewise out of resentment at being controlled, they take it out on humans, and project it onwards. Not that this would liberate them.

This happens because they are extremely young and immature souls, with no real understanding of the spirit. Which is why their version of the occult is a perversion and a corruption. They are simply too young to possess the intelligence and experience, let alone the wisdom, to truly understand any of it.

One almost feels sorry for them sometimes. Seeing as they, too, once upon a time, were once innocent young children.

I would also imagine that, in a weird kind of benevolence, the insertion of pseudo-occult symbolism/numerology into false flag events is the intelligence services' way of reminding the observant about the existence of this evil cabal... In which case, if it's a fake version of a false flag in which no one gets hurt, then oddly enough I find myself approving of their strategy...

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The US MIC, Black-Op tech & the 9/11 truth movement.

Suppression of the truth has been a cointelpro operation and it's still ongoing 23 years later.

The cover-up started on Sept 13, 2001 when the US MIC contractors took over the security and clean-up operations at ground zero and locked it down from the public and the media.

Then in 2005, the 9/11 truth movement started to organise under the banner of "Scholars for 9/11 truth" and the organisation was infiltrated by cointelpro agents to steer the narratives toward explosives, thermite and nukes, in order to keep the energy aspects of 9/11 under wraps.

You need to read Andrew Johnson's two free e-books.

- 9/11 Finding the truth and

- 9/11 Holding the truth

9/11 Truth Suppression Timeline

"The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves." - Vladimir Lenin

Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/911-truth-suppression-timeline

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I'm a Mancunian, now living outside the UK, so I observed the Mcr Arena 'happening' with a sense of curious detachment. Strange how the protagonists are always socially awkward loners (think Lee Oswald) and how the proles are always whipped up into a highly emotional (and hence, very suggestible) state. Odd, the number of terrorist events happening on the 22nd of the month. Odd, too, the dispersal of these apparently staged events among all-too-real atrocities (like Bataclan, for instance). Excellent and absorbing essays, by the way: always interesting.

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Hi Middyboy. Is Middy for Middleton? I'm a Mancunian living in dystopia and I view everything with that sense of detachment! I also think it's odd that the protagonists always have links to the intelligence services, often die in the act, and how rarely the evidence is heard before a court. Thanks for saying the essays are interesting. It's amazing how often you get told to bore off when you try to tell people these things.

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You live in Manchester? Do you get stick from the locals or do some think the same?

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No, I don't live in Manchester. The people who see through the lies are few and far between. I was very disappointed in the compliance there in 2020 although many people have woken up since.

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Compliance down the road in Liverpool was far lower - perhaps the Hillsborough effect.

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I wasn't there but it seemed to me that it was pathetic everywhere.

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Thank you Francis.

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Thanks Lynn.

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Outstanding again. It's clear introductions, summations and messages like this that I'm keen to present to the masses in some of the offline scenarios we're discussing. Well done.

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Thank you, Leo. I appreciate that.

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This whole series is excellent. The research, detail, connections, themes - all the more powerful because the reader is left to draw their own conclusions.

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Absolutely what you said

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Thank you, I hope it works that way.

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