Scientism = Tyranny

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I DO NOT ACCEPT THIS GOVERNMENT. They have become tyrannical and don't represent the people.

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I used to work with people with disabilities. They got hit harder than all of us, especially with being denied schooling… I mean, everyone got hit hard… but what the government or their families can do to them to subvert their humanity will always haunt me… thank you for remembering these precious people.

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Thank you.

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Francis thank you for helping highlight the case of Adam. My brother was Downs and Autistic born in the 1950s. Our family GP instructed my mother to never ever let him be vaccinated. What did doctors know then that they don't now?

We lost him due to neglect in care system when he was only 37, the devastation on our lives is something that never goes away. However we are fully aware had he lived until now we would be in the same situation as Adam and his mother. It's unthinkable to me that this is happening and now feel glad my brother is in a safe place away from these psychopathic narcissists. Keep writing.

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Thank you Tara, I'm very sorry to hear about your brother, but like you say, hopefully he is in a better place.

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Thank you Francis. I know he is in a better place, even if there is no here after I could not bear the thought of him being vaccinated during C19 and know for sure he would have been, being in the 'care' of the community.

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Poor Adam, for him to communicate his fear and unwillingness to be injected and for this to be forced on him is unconscionable then to give him sedation surreptitiously to render him unable to refuse is frightening. This is a slippery slope, do the government and public health then turn their attention to the vulnerable elderly who do not want to be injected or the disabled. What they are doing to Adam is force by stealth and they are setting a precedent that could affect all of us in the near future.

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It is more than just the start of a slippery slope we are already half way down. What next? Aktion T4?

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Shut up and get in the boxcar! ...All the Green Book chapter 14a ever was a guide to prioritise who got in the boxcar first. The 'Guidance' advised everyone to get vaccinated regardless of their doctor's opinion.

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Excellent piece of writing Francis, thought provoking & precise. Our loved ones who they deem lack ‘mental capacity’ have been subjected to the full force of the state machine and their right to say no revoked. The eugenic philosophy is clearly alive and well in the name of public health, and as history taught us they came for the ‘vulnerable’ first and then they came for everyone. Adam’s fight is our fight.

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Absolutely correct and it is EVERYONE'S DUTY to resist regardless of whether one is in favour of the vaccinations or not.

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It would appear that Aldous Huxley's Brave New World is already with us, who would ever have imagined that this would happen in our lifetimes?

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Thank you for this article Francis, so much to think about here...

For instance, "...in November 2023 and June 2024, Adam was sedated and vaccinated."

It's already happened. Adam has already been sedated and injected against his will, and his mother's

Wow... Who did this? Who actually inserted the needle and contents? Who penetrated him without his consent?

Presumably it was the nurse who was part of a team of senior carers and Adam's care home manager, who entered the room after Adam was sedated and inserted the needle. Staff at the care home who Adam "trusts so implicitly".

Adam's doctor and a solicitor assigned by the court to represent him believe he needs the vaccine because 'Government guidelines' classify him as vulnerable due to his "chronic neurological disease", as reported in the UK Telegraph: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/09/28/nhs-sedate-downs-syndrome-patient-for-covid-jab-mother/ (paywalled)

So it seems Adam has been assaulted by a nurse, overseen by a doctor.

This is where we're at in society. Nurses and doctors acting as agents of the state, following the 'Government guidelines' without question, and forsaking their legal, ethical and moral obligation to obtain voluntary informed consent for any medical intervention.

We've had a similar situation in Australia, where 'Government mandates' were used to justify vaccinating people against their will, under penalty of losing their livelihood and participation in civil society if they refused to submit - ‘No Jab, No Job’ to ‘No Jab, No Life’.

The medical profession and the legal system collaborated with this tyranny, destroying voluntary informed consent.

It is a dire situation.

See more background in my articles:

- Forced vaccination under sedation. Doctors, nurses and the courts acting as agents of the state: https://elizabethhart.substack.com/p/forced-vaccination-under-sedation

- Just 'following orders'? Who in the medical profession stood firm against the moral disintegration?: https://elizabethhart.substack.com/p/just-following-orders

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Seems more than similar to Germany once upon a time.

Is now.


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Thanks Elizabeth, I link to the Telegraph article in my piece. It's not paywalled for me. In answer to your question, Adam's carers sedate and distract him and then a vaccinator who is unknown to him administers the injection.

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This is eugenics, pure and simple.

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This is chilling.

This year I wrote an article about what I think may have happened with the NHS care home/hospital murders.

It wanders into speculative territory which I am usually uncomfortable with, but the evidence for what is happening is mounting. I think all the Five Eyes nations have been briefed on this, but what looks to have happened in the UK in particular is that they started killing and have not stopped.

The evidence from the Scottish covid enquiry keeps pointing to this. I do not know why they are doing this, but it could be demographic/financial/Satanic capture. Again, I am speculating, but the evidence for *what* is occurring is very clear.

Article about NHS: https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/for-the-greater-good-did-uk-mp-andrew

More evidence from Australia and globally: https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/remdesivir-and-covid-protocols-in

They are getting rid of 'inconvenient' people.

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Heartbreaking. Beggars belief that any human being thinks they have the authority to do this to another.

Ok peasants - it’s time to start revolting.

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Poor Adam. If only his mother had articles from Dr bhakdi showing how mRNA biodistributes and causes T cells lymphocytes to attack and destroy. But she never had that information. She didn't have it because 100% of people claiming to care so much. Refuse to talk about Dr bhakdis and Dr burkharts obvious evidence showing cd8 lymphocytes attacking. So virtue signal all you want. Adam was jabbed because his mother was not armed with the right evidence. He wasn't armed with the right evidence. Because 100% of ALL OF YOU FUCKERS pretending to care, all REFUSE to specifically share the ANSWER....."AUTO IMMUNE ATTACK BY KILLER T LYMPHOCYTES. "


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As a rule the court does not entertain alternative opinions to those of the state.

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I am disgusted by our health system and governments.

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They murdered 23 y/o Downs girl Grace Schara in hospital and called it COVID:


The legal brief (cited in full above) is as chilling as what the ***ts did to Adam.

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I cannot even believe this is true. Why not just hold him down and jab it into his neck at this point? Animals/

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