There's no devolution. It's pretty obvious McGowan is right.

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Also, the documentary film "Kubrick's Odyssey" is worth watching, as well as "American Moon".

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Thanks, I've seen American Moon.

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Yes, that's why I wrote the article.

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The devolution occurred in the 1960's. Throughout the 1950's it was widely reported (including mainstream press) that all the major aerospace companies (Boeing etc) were busy developing anti-gravity propulsion technologies and that the age of the jet engine/ rocket was almost over. Everybody expected a Jetsons world by the end of the century and all the science pointed towards this.

Then at the start of the 1960's the topic of anti gravity fell off the radar never to be spoken of again. The public who were eager to embrace the new age of space travel were promptly given 'Apollo' to keep them satisfied (it went to the moon!!!!!), followed by 'The Shuttle' (it never left LEO) and then Musk's latest rebranding of 1940's rocket technology with self landing capability, integrated coffee cup holder and electric windows.

Meanwhile, people have been spotting silent black triangles and other craft hovering or flying at 'impossible' speeds and doing 'impossible' manoeuvres since the 1970's. Often these sightings were on a Thursday which was explained by the fact that it is common to prep on mon, tue, wed..... do a test flight on thurs .... and debrief on fri.

So progress in propulsion/ energy tech never really stopped or reversed. It just went underground. Somebody probably realised that making it public in the 1960's would end the dependency on oil and the whole scarcity paradigm which keeps the 1% safely at the top of the hierarchy and everyone else scrabbling to pay their energy/ fuel bills.

So while 'Apollo' can never be replicated (for obvious reasons) it's probably also true that 'we' are probably on the moon right now, and flying all over the solar system (perhaps beyond).

If you listen to people like Musk it's obvious they are fully aware their job is to keep the masses enthralled with rebranded versions of 1940's tech. As each decade passes and all the other technologies race ahead (technologies of surveillance and digital enslavement) it becomes harder to justify the apparent lack of progress in space... but at the same time the apparent stagnation becomes more and more normalised among an increasingly demoralised (and heavily vaccinated) youth.

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You just might be right Corona remember the powers of the time pulled a similar stunt with ocean voyages, pretending they were impossible while setting up trading posts around the world. It would be irresponsible to show the peasants your full hand.

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Ralph Rene noted in NASA Mooned America that the Apollo astronots were supposed to be cooled by an evaporative cooling system. If it worked in that environment there would have been periodic releases of water vapor. Doesn't show on a single picture, which Rene notes should have been a dramatic highlight of the missions.

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Booya. 😎

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Clever, fun read and you added pieces to what I already thought. Thanks.

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Even a cursory hearing of the tale exposes it to be a grand hoax!!! Thanks for this enjoyable read Francis

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Nicely written Francis. Space is hilarious 😆

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Once you see it, you cannot un-see it. There are so many ‘litmus tests’ these days to gauge people by.

Bring on Part 2.

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Great piece. Have you delved into the reasons for this deception? What purpose did it achieve deceiving the world into thinking it was possible to go to the moon? Was it purely a cold war psy op? Liam Schiff, who wrote 'Official Stories' had some interesting insights into government narratives.

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Liam Scheff. 'Official Stories. Counter-Arguments for a Culture in Need'.

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Thank you I haven't read that.

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Liam's book was one of the first books to alert me to how much our world is manipulated. He covers everything from Darwin to the role Fauci played in the AIDs story. He died in 2017. He was in his 30s or early 40s. His input today would have been immense. Missed by many.

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He sounds like an interesting guy. Reminds me of Carey Mullis who also died prematurely.

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No-one knows for sure but his death was not suspicious.

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McGowan alleged it was to launder funds to the illegal wars in Cambodia and Laos, as well as distract the public from Vietnam. The Apollo missions quite coincidentally ended contemporaneously with the war.

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Id say it's more likely to convince the world it's too hard (or impossible) to go to the moon.

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Francis this is fantastic work. Thank you. My pet theory, if I may, is that the moon landing hoax apotheosized science, and that this was actually the hoax's intention (as well as all the other patriotic, etc. intentions) leading to the current triumph of Scientism. EX: "If we can put a man on the moon then why can't we....(insert appropriate unscientiifc excessful wishful thinking here) ..." You know, such as "vaccinate" 8 billion people against a virus, with a largely untested highly experimental gene therapy and get 5 billion of them to roll up their arms, most of them without hesitation, thanking the scientists for their courage and going to all that trouble warp speed and here's a few billion pocket change for ya. THAT sort of triumph. As well as a "scientist's consensus" that CO2 is destroying the planet- such people start throwing soup on priceless paintings. That kind of triumph

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Thank you Robert, I very much enjoy your work too. Apotheosized science was certainly an effect of the moon landings but I am not sure if it was the driving motivation, although these major events always achieve a confluence of different objectives.

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And I meant to say, I don't if you noticed that there is a second part https://francisoneill.substack.com/p/moon-walkers-part-2

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It has gotten to the point that the rantings of the average resident of the psychiatric ward are as realistic as the average American's view of its government - and the pace of the delusions only seems to have increased. Case in point - the "assassination attempt" - https://peteryim.substack.com/p/four-essential-reasons-to-doubt-the

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I agree about the 'assassination' attempt but have yet to be convinced that any virus existed. https://francisoneill.substack.com/p/faking-an-assassination-attempt

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I have come across some discussions about the no-virus view. I’m not sure about it - but I do agree that PCR testing etc for COVID was sketchy at best.

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Francis, while I'm the first to call psyop for many an event, for example, as soon as I heard of the alleged attempted assassination of Trump I immediately thought "fake", the one event I recognise as real are the moon landings. I know NASA fakes stuff - at the very least the Challenger disaster where we see the alleged astronauts brazenly walking around with the same name showing no signs of being put into a witness-protection style program as we can only infer happens for most other actors playing dead people in psyops - https://fakeotube.com/video/3665/nasa-challenger-crew-alive - but as they really did want to go to the moon and everything fell into place very serendipitously to allow it to happen - they did.

Dave McGowan is an agent whose purpose is to mislead truthers on 9/11 - notably the best-kept secret, staged death and injury - and to undermine them when they call out the real lies by making them believe the one thing that was true - the moon landings - was a lie.

There is not a single thing in Wagging the Moondoggie that debunks the moon landings nor is there a single thing in American Moon that debunks them - they are resoundingly debunked - see my posts at bottom. Both McGowan and Mazzucco are agents as are Bart Sibrel - and made very obvious Revelation-of-the-Method style the first guy - Bill Kaysing. He made the hilariously nonsensical claim that captain of the Apollo 15 mission, James Irwin, called him to confess to the fakery of the moon landings but - concerned about phone tapping - arranged a call for another day. Billy tells us that the day before the call was to take place James Irwin died of a heart attack. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yvWcKrlZsk4&t=1626s



They really want to control ALL our minds, believers and disbelievers alike, so when something happens that is true but is easy to perceive as highly implausible and improbable they will milk those qualities to mislead the disbelievers.

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😂ok then.

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