Darwinism was always a scam; an early psy-op, to keep the hoi-polloi, the great unwashed, on their toes.Survival of the fittest. Evolution. Guys: it’s a war out there. Believe us, we’re smart and rich, and educated. Then, for good measure, throw in some Freud; and his partner in crime, Carl Jung. Tell us we’re all mentally ill, to boot. Confused. I certainly am.

And: self preservation, kinda works for all of us, really. But deffo suits the Elitist swine, when it comes to sorting out the Wheat from the Chaff….

The World Economic Scrotum is used as a decoy: a kinda, look over here, not over there. They’re not running the show. Anal Schwab, and the rabid Harari creature, are there to regularly wind us up, and tell us how stupid we are (like Dick Dastardly and muttley always trying to thwart Penelope Pitstop, or whatever)

Almost impossible to take Schwab seriously; ridiculous accent and silly theatrical attire. A bit like trying to hold big pharma responsible for killing us with the jib jabs: they didn’t authorise that shit. They manufactured their usual toxic slurry, with Formaldehyde, Aluminium, Mercury, frog spawn, and toilet cleaner, and were instructed to box it up and get it DPD’d around the Globe. Asap.

Bit like The Muppet show or Sesame Street on Steroids. Horses for courses and still very much designed by the Deep State, to keep us undesirables - up to high doh and generally fearful. Oh, how we almost laughed.

Loving the latest edition, Francis: the deviousness, the psychology, the trickery involved and of course the guys behind the curtains, pulling the levers: there’s always chat about: a one world government, as if that’s what we have to try and stop. It’s already up and running, has been for years: United Nations. NATO, world banks, Blackrock, Vanguard, The Empire of America: 160 odd military bases around the world, a strangle hold on Brussels, Germany, The EU Council, The UN, The WHO, The Middle East - the influence Washington and Israel have in that whole region is gob-smackingly unbelievable.

The federal reserve was an absolute con; what a mechanism that is for creating panic and despair, and the invisible monetary powers behind it. (That was 1913) the national debt, now, in the Soviet states of America is running at $30 odd Trillion (drop in the pond).

Situation normal All fucked up.

If we throw in the usual

suspects: black nobility; Aristocracy, Free Masonary, Allopathic Medicine and Big Pharmaceutical cartels, petro-chemical industries, NASA. The Patriot Act. 9/11. JFK. The Covid Inquiry (no stone left unturned), the muzzling of babies, priests refusing to go to care homes. Soros org. (Open borders) internet outages. The cost of living (what could loosely be described as fucking living) Global bollocks, carbon nonsense. The unfair tax that is inflation, (strangling the poor) The nauseating polemic known as The NHS - And the billions thrown at the heaving wreck every year, by us, the tax payers, (yay, free health care for all)!! Gaza. Ukraine,(which reminds me, better take that flag out of the window now). Brexit(?) The BBC et al… etc. etc…to name but a few unmitigated disasters, psy-ops and other incomprehensible unbelievable amounts of pure unadulterated bollocks, that we’re supposed to take on board, readily, gleefully and happily without question - is, perhaps, ever so slightly…. insulting !??

I can’t give you any names. No registration numbers or addresses. Haven’t got any business names, branches, headquarters. Don’t know if they’re sat in the big green and white building on the Thames at Vauxhall….or an equivalent piece of real estate in say, Tel Aviv or Washington. I just know their minds are fertile with fucking madness. And they absolutely hate us.

Nice one Francis.

Looking forward to part 6.

Keep up the good work.

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I agree. Great summary. It really captures the insanity of it all.

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What a spot on assessment we all find ourselves inside of. You put so eloquently in the beautiful written words that you touched base on my daily thoughts flowing through my head. I look around and so many who either are oblivious to what's been happening over my last 60+ years. Especially over the last 25 years since September 11-2001, these same satanic psychopaths are encompassing every portal of power.

I too walked around believing things weren't that bad. Since 2017 especially my eyes are wide open. It appears to me the majority are so mind controlled with eyes wide shut.

Thank you for such an exquisite proper response to the column that Francis penned and put together.

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Excellent series of articles Francis. Have you spoken to Reiner Fuellmich? He sits in a German prison for some 10 months in a show trial. They want to shut him up. I interviewed Reiner in

Oct 2021.

I sent you an email Francis to see if you might be interested in an interview, photoshopgav@gmail.com. Email is unreliable, feel free to contact me at 07738-284-330 . Thank you.

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