Look at "Quiet skies" from 2020... "TSA" agents with carte blanche to spy on its own citizens. Even a HI Congresswoman was targeted. I will NOT stand for this abuse.

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Aug 9Liked by Francis O'Neill

Great recap and an important reminder about the calibre of nihilist, malignant, narcissist morons that common men have been up against for millennia. The pomp and ceremony and delusions of supremacy are window dressing. These are seriously damaged, deranged and dangerous cultists, with no more magick or gematria-infused powers than a stoned teenager with a ouija board and a horoscope. It is beyond galling to know we are being subjugated by lunatic perverts and their juvenile esoterica, this really should have been dealt with long ago.

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Aug 9Liked by Francis O'Neill

Francis, You've really done your homework. Excellent, impressive reporting. I learned an incredible amount. I thank you.

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Aug 9Liked by Francis O'Neill

Southport victims ages 6,7 and 9 = 22

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Aug 9Liked by Francis O'Neill

Amazing research. Mind blown 🤯 thanks for sharing this with us 👌

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Aug 9Liked by Francis O'Neill

This is getting all too clear. And once you see it, you cannot unsee it. Great work and well laid out as a series. I hope there’s more.

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Thats very nicely explained Francis. I take my hat off to you, ive never been able to spend the time to put anything like that together.

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Aug 11Liked by Francis O'Neill

Very good Francis, thanks.

The thing that strikes me when I look at the numerology is just what an incredible ammount of work goes into it. For example, I’m pretty sure the Twin Towers were built specifically to act as a giant number 11 in a blood-letting ritual on an auspicious date years later.

The numerology is clearly of fundamental significance and the people designing the rituals often enact plans that won’t be realised in their lifetimes.

Bill Cooper in his legendary 90s ‘Mystery Baabylon’ short wave radio series maintained that the the thing that unites the Freemasons, Rosicrucians, Templars, Skull & Bones society etc. is that they all regard themselves as custodians of the Secrets of the Absolute discovered in ancient Babylon and which are denied to we the profane.

These secrets, it is said, can change reality—something that used to be called magic—and the numerology must be a key part of it.

And although their servants—the Bush family, Bill Gates etc.—are frivolous people there must be a deeply earnest priestly class at the core dedicated in utmost seriousness to their Great Work of Ages.

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This is a fantastic piece mate. Wonderfully researched and eloquently explained. 🤙🏻

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Thank you very much, Kerry. It's very kind of you to say so.

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Aug 16Liked by Francis O'Neill

Great work, thanks. Perhaps follow ups regarding the Numerical aspects of the Talmud, Islamic works, (they gave us Al Gebra), Buddhism, Blavatsky, Chinese wisdoms, etc?

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Thanks Ross. Perhaps I will start taking requests when people become paid subscribers.

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Aug 16Liked by Francis O'Neill

Great idea! Unfortunately Starmo has just nicked my Winter Fuel Payment, so I cannot oblige!

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