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Mar 9
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The fact such movies were made at all is instructive. If you have any further insights into his prison life I'd be interested to hear them.

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Interesting Francis x

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Thank you Jules x

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REALLY interesting article. 9/11 should indeed be the litmus test. It is my belief that this cataclysmic event gave those in power the green light to go ahead with whatever agenda they wished. If they could pull that off - and they did to a large extent, because so many people believed the narrative - then they could get away with anything. Covid was another example of getting away with anything. Anyone with any ounce of intelligence should have been able to see through the lies, but so many people just fell for it.......and sadly, I think they will fall for the next assault on humanity that will no doubt be presented to us soon. Assange is widely lauded as the hero of free speech and yet - and I'm hugely grateful to Francis for pointing this out - he's clearly not the person most people in the 'freedom movement' think he is. Great article.

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Thank you, Laura.

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What you say here is almost something I could have said myself. 9/11 really was a seminal moment, though I personally think the starting gun was fired at the assassination of JFK. That's when people got really scared - in all walks of life, including the criminal. Not that the CIA was ever hampered by self-doubt, and they really hit the ground running in 1947, but I think it was also the moment they said to themselves "We really can do anything.". And that, I believe, was without even killing JFK. I think one of the reasons they've all been so casual about it - aside from having a network so pervasive that no one need ever be held to account - is that no crime took place in Dealey Plaza. But is 9/11 really the litmus test?

I'm not at all sure it is. First of all, not everyone "got it" when it was happening, including me. These days I've definitely got my wings as a conspiracy theorist and have probably had them for most of the last 20 years, but back then I didn't immediately view everything with suspicion. I suspect that to clock it as an operation you would already have had to have been awake. I can hear people saying "Oh, come on! You can't have been that stupid?". Well, maybe I'm subconsciously trying to protect myself here because I was so dense, but I've learned in the years since quite how many incongruities we quickly dismiss or allow to be explained away by what are totally inadequate explanations. That's essentially the media's role - to hand you tidy explanations so you don't worry your pretty little mind with what's going on. So, sure, I thought both towers coming down was odd, and it sure did look like a controlled demolition, but I trusted the BBC as a source and generally believed, if not in the beneficence of government, then that there were forces for good within the structure. In this case - and I'm not going to generally address things to Assange - although he was obviously aware there was corruption at the top, I don't think he had actually woken up - been through the process of waking up and realising that EVERYTHING was corrupt and that everything needs to be torn down - though I expect he may well have by now.

Then there's the emotional investment, alongside the virtue signalling. 9/11 was a traumatic event, especially for Americans, and the anger that raised needed to be pinned on something. At that point they believed the media narrative and to back down from blaming muslims and Osama bin Laden (however comical that now sounds) requires a considerable amount of humility and an admission that you were wrong in your initial conclusions and your hatred. Not many people do that unless they are on a spiritual path - and even then it's pretty reluctant. Just as with Covid and its absurd "Follow the non-existent Science", people thought that agreeing with "science" would confer on them an additional air of rationality and grounded reason. The fact that the people who believe this most vehemently are predominantly Humanities students who probably gave up science at or before age 15 because it was "too difficult", tells you this is a costume to put on rather than a well thought-out internal belief. Being concerned with their image above most things, they don't want to be included with the "mad conspiracy theorists". I think being in the public eye and having a precious brand to protect is only going to strengthen this trait.

While I'm extending this latitude to Assange, I never would to Chomsky. Although his is a "for the public" type of intellect - meaning he really just has to appear smart and say a few clever things - he's still pretty damn bright and the subject matter he's written on has been all over this sort of stuff. Even without spiritually aided insight he's going to get there in the end, which leads us to the next reason, age. Chomsky was old enough to know better but Assange was 20 when 9/11 happened, I think. That's practically an empty vessel for most of us.

Related to this is hindsight. We've got what happened on 9/11 all sorted out, tidied and parcelled up. It's obvious to us what went on and anyone who doesn't see it is either being deliberately obtuse or is cretinously and irredeemably stupid. First of all we've matured 20 odd years since, so of course it looks tidier, but we're deceiving ourselves if we think we've got it sorted. Thanks to the efforts of the intelligence agencies there are in fact dozens of possible narratives (though obviously none is the official one) and it's near impossible to rationally pick one above the other. Were there DEWs, for instance, or nukes in the basement? I think it's pretty likely else what are those lines on the roads and the melted engines all about (repeated at that Chinese port attack) but we can't know for certain and film of the top of the tower melting away is insufficient to convincingly swing the pendulum in that direction. Personally I don't believe nukes exist, but we know there was a subterranean explosion which went along the pipes into Building 7, but we have no evidence that it was a mini-nuke. I wouldn't be surprised if they salt these explosion with radioactive material anyway, just to keep the illusion of fearful nukes alive, and that would explain the high incidence of Thyroid cancer among those near the explosion and especially those caught in the white dust (11 times the national incidence of thyroid cancer among locals and first responders).

Finally, we come to "How do WE know?". Much like David Hume's very important Infinite Regression, which asks the question "How do you know such and such?" and then repeats it for your explanations each time until you come to a point of saying something limp like "Well, I just know." and which is used to provide the philosophical proof that no one can KNOW anything, including science incidentally, we have a similar situation, but even more precarious. If we do an infinite regression on what we know about 9/11 we will all, on mostly every topic within it, have as one of our foundational reasons "I saw an interview with ..." or "I read an article on the net" or "someone explained it on Social Media". These, in my book, and probably yours too, are grounds for immediate disqualification. So much of what comes through the media has been tampered with or placed there for a purpose that we can never know if it's even sincere, let alone true.

So, that's why I'm not at all sure 9/11 can be used as the ultimate shill test.

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I've obviously had 23 years to consider these arguments in relation to the litmus test and my disagreement is clear in my article.

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Unfortunately, most people are at the "inside job" level for 9/11 - the level the propagandists wished the anticipated disbelievers of their nonsense story to stagnate at. From what you say here, Christian, I think you might be only at that level still?

What I discovered after four years of diligent study of 9/11 after waking up to the "inside job" level was that there's not really such a thing as a "false flag" - all alleged "false flags" are really sophisticated psyops where there's one major propaganda stream for the anticipated believers and one for the anticipated disbelievers. We must always take into consideration that the propagandists know in advance that people will not believe the story and so sometimes - depending on the op - they will have special propaganda just for those people and they put HUGE efforts into the disbeliever-targeted propaganda for 9/11 - absolutely HUGE - still going today, of course.

The fundamentals of 9/11 are so very, very simple.

It was a demolition job.

What happens in demolition jobs?

The buildings and surrounding areas are fully evacuated - not partly - fully.

And that's what happened on 9/11 ... just like every other demolition job in history.

And we have no reason to believe that the demolitions were other than classic demolitions using explosives - all the other possibilities put forward are just to mislead and distract.

I have a page on 9/11 with links addressing the event from various angles:


When I say no such thing as a "false flag" what I mean is that the actual crime alleged is not committed, the WHOLE story is a fabrication ... so it's just a psyop, the crime of killing and injuring doesn't happen. Of course, the buildings really did come down on 9/11 - but everyone is in agreement with that.

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Did you miss the part where I said no crime was committed in Dealey Plaza?

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My apologies, Christian. I did.

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Hi Petra, I'm not sure it actually needs an apology, especially as you're partially right. Though I probably haven't thought about 9/11 for perhaps 15 years or more, I don't tend to formally think down the twin tracks of identifying the "external" story and the alternative of nothing happening at all, though that's the conclusion I've reached on a fair number of them like Sandy Hook, the Grenadier and the machete in a London Street and the murdered MP that Rich Hall looked into. Usually the official narrative is too absurd or comical to be even considered.

Maybe the reason I don't do so is that these events tend to have multiple purposes salted into them, like the Patriot Act going through immediately post 9/11, the theft of gold from vaults under the WTC and the political career of the oleaginous Rudy Giuliani. I want to know things like why the BBC are playing along (and it's great fun that they should be found out) and whether they were tossing a ball to the conspiracy community by using DEWs (not that I expect they will have been much more sophisticated than high power microwaves, but it's still grist for the mill.) Then there are things that I really don't know about, like why they parked a hurricane off the coast of NY that morning. The filming of that day was very curious because it was actually a clear sunny morning but that's not what you see in any of the pictures from the air or from a distance.

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I also did have a mini advantage in accepting that no crime took place in Dealey Plaza as I'm fairly sure I met him in the early '80s. I had a long chat with Frances on this a few months back, so she's the best person to ask for a dispassionate opinion on how likely this is. I don't in fact know what her own conclusion is though she may well say "Don't call him, whatever you do! You'll never get off the phone." 😂🤣😂 LOL. The call was either 3 or 4 hours long.

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Assange would have had to believe the narrative that the planes took down the towers which is frankly as absurd as believing the covid nonsense. We must realise that there are a lot of shills in the freedom movement so even disbelieving the above does not unshill you 😁

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You say the area is cleared before a demolition eg 9/11 - are you saying that the area was cleared for that ie in reality nobody died, no deaths of people jumping out of the building etc?

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Yup. That's my position, if it's me you are asking. No one came to work that day - which is why there are endless stories of people having dental appointments or breakfast meetings elsewhere. All the photos of people "jumping" were taken by those Israeli art students throwing mannequins out of the windows weeks earlier.

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Is that fact or guess?

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Re. the Art students? I'm pretty certain it's a fact. They had removed windows on their floor (what sort of tenant does that in a building like the WTC?) and I think some of their "art" had pictures of mannequins they had tossed out the window. The falling man in the pose of a Tarot deck's Tower card is an obvious stretch too far. Other curiosities of their tenure included their walls being lined with box loads of fuses so they were probably the team rigging the buildings too.

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Richard D Hall did some fantastic work exposing all sorts of hideous

State cover ups. And in particular, [and also one of my favourites] a fairly

brilliant expose of the 'Assange bollocks': that supposedly passed for an

infringement of "our freedom of expression". Richard [richplanet..] is now being

chewed up - and spat out by the establishment. Christ; you've got to wonder

which institutions, haven't been captured by these vile scum: NHS, Judiciary,

Puppeticians, media, Medical-Pharmaceutical et al .... And, more disturbingly,

some members of the 'Truth movement' - 'Health freedom' -'Alt-Media etc.

who purport to be ''resistance'': but who're actually just part of the fucking

Vichy regime, causing even more mayhem.!1!!

Great piece, Francis.

Keep up the good work, buddy ... !!!

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Richard's an absolute legend

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Yes he is, and gets a hell of a lot closer to 911 truth than AE911, KEVIN Ryan or Richard Gage.

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You don’t have to wonder. It’s EVERY institution that’s been captured, or created, by this vile scum. Every “institution” is state sponsored social resolution grandstand to every looming or historic social issue - also created by the vile scum. Society and its issues (and issue correction) are all vile scum constructs. That’s why (human) society does not work. The “vile scum” is not human and wants it destroyed.

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... is the correct answer!

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Unfortunately yes it is. 💔

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I watched his film showing the statute of Manning, Snowden and Assange and thought it was hilarious when he said "If you go to Berlin (?) and see it, do make sure your dog pisses on their legs."

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Do you mean a film. By Richard Hall?

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Yup. Or by Richplanet. I can't remember whether Andrew was involved but I think he might have been.

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The email summary around the funding of wiki leaks is fascinating. The people mentioned are key to some interesting events, specifically to cryptography and the creation of Bitcoin.

The creation of the genesis block follows and the message encoded within that refers to UK banking and a second bank bailout.

It’s all too coincidental, too convenient to not be connected.

The litmus test is very important as it exposes the ‘look here not over there’ tactics.

Keep unearthing the plain truth Francis.

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Thanks ShoutyMum, that's it -the misdirection of people's attention is key.

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Where can I read more about the genesis of Bitcoin? I think Bitcoin is a means to deflect from other monetary systems which would serve the prosperity and independence of humanity more, like Giselle's system, well tested in the town Wörgel of Austria.

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I haven’t heard of that system, I’ll look it up. I wonder if it’s like the Bradbury pound.

You can just search up the genesis block online. There are some articles that link to the exact front page of The Times referencing the bailout, weirdly there is also an article about Israel invading Gaza on the same page.

I hear people rave about Bitcoin but why would anyone invest in a product without knowing who created it? I don’t understand. It’s also very easily traceable, perfect for the taxman and finite. Crypto markets are just as easily manipulated as the metal price or Fiat currency.

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I don' t think it is like Bradbury pound, best start to learn about this monetary experiment during the depression is an article in German, but automatic translations are easy:


Today, small communities could use https://gradido.net/en/ for accounting their transactions. It works digital but is totally different from crypto coins. Not easy for our mind to understand that such a "system of dwindling money" could work as we are grown up and used to debt based fiat currencies for generations. Also "limited money" tied to a goldstandard or like Bitcoin will not cause a prosperous society as the few will own allmost all of it and for the many is nothing left to do their transactions. And that is the most important part for money: it has to flow freely like blood in order to spend life for all. The monetary system is the ring that binds us to the powers that be.

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So being infinite would be a sounder store of value? Traceable, how, in that you can trace it back to a coded address?

Perfect for which taxman? It knows no boundaries.

If the establishment created Bitcoin, it was the greatest own goal in history.

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You seem a bit defensive over Bitcoin.

If it works for you, crack on 👍

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Did the questions not make you think about it a little more, no?

It serves as a good means of diversification, I’m not married to it forever, but I like the contrarian ethos it has.

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And completely dependent on the grid.

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bitcoin was pushed quite hard to a bulletin board I was on back in 2008 or 2009 (it was officially released Jan 2009). I might still have some screen shots of it. Will have a look.

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No question about it. If you cant be honest abt the blatant facts surrounding the watershed event of your own time (until the scamdemic came along anyway) what does that say about you as a truth-teller or journalist? And even in the independent media most dont talk about 9/11 Truth. Yet they all know the 9/11-anthrax attack were a false flag attack. That's what disturbs me the most [the ones who know and still say say nothing) and why I appreciate people continuing to speak out on this issue.

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Everything always comes back to money. Banking, insurance, finance. The root of all evil, that people on every side become ensnared in.

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Always refreshing when you see some lights on and someone's actually home for a change!

Well done.

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This is great stuff.

Related, no one knows who Cate Jenkins is.

AE911 doesn't talk about buildings 4, 5 or 6 which also were destroyed, or any evidence that doesn't support controlled demo. Why is that?

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Just to point out that psyops are all about mind control using magician's tricks, not doing things for real unless they're wanted.

So the question should be asked: what did they want for real on 9/11 and what did they only want us to believe?


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That’s why MAGA is so important

Also happens to be in church of satan hierarchy .

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I'm not sure what you mean. Can you explain a bit, please.

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Maga is a state of mesmerizing the crowd

Trump is a 33 degree Scottish Freemason - he was staged to mesmerize the dim witted sheep - by magik

The spirit cooking cannibal witch Marina , praises Trump aka( Drumpf Bavarian Scottish royal bloodline offspring and a cousin to Hitlery )

as the best magician “we” could ever have and the anointed one to bring about the change that “we” need

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Check out Qortal! https://qortal.org/

Unhackable infrastructure for a decentralized, censorship-free Internet…a decentralized 'operating system' where virtually any project/application can be built securely. No middlemen of any kind, no servers, no DNS. Data stored on the decentralized/distributed/encrypted/chunked Qortal Data Network (QDN), Qortal will bring back individual sovereignty to a worldwide economy.

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It still relies on electricity generation. Power.

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Considering that 911 is almost a quarter-century old, and that the majority of polled Americans consistently express disbelief in the official narrative, I wonder why we're so concerned with the credibility of brand-name whistleblowers. I'm old enough to remember when the Pentagon papers came out. People made some noise then resumed slaving for pharaoh.

One might say that arguing who is the REAL credible alt-news service is itself a distraction from dealing with and confronting the countless evils committed by institutions of power. But distraction does keep us occupied. Look at me, tasking time to comment on something that I can do nothing about.

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The truth helps us to better navigate the world. Assange has been in the news recently. There are people who are still taken with his story so the lessons of the 9/11 Truth Movement become useful in informing a new wave of people.

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I understand the concept of publishing being a form of information aimed at large numbers of people. Something called media, I'm told.

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When we are intent on missing the point we tend to do so.

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I get the point; I assert that it is pointless. What it devolves into are dueling pundits, with substack as currently prevailing example of this, providing an auditorium for gladiator oracles: "Whose is the skinniest skinny?"

And then, of course, there are the ever popular petty ego kerfluffles, as you and I are currently demonstrating. The incessant human need for distraction especially if it addresses a worthy cause. It can be fun, and indeed informative, but infowars are imo just like all other wars: sucker games to keep us proles distracted from living our lives as we will, the one thing that the global blobster deep state ickies can't control.


If this life is driving, you too drink

You sit around a-wondering just what to think

Well, I got some conciliation

I'll give it to you if I might

You know, I don't worry 'bout a thing

'Cause I know nothing's gonna be alright

You know this world is just a one big trouble spot

'Cause some have plenty and some have not

You know I used to be troubled, but I finally saw the light

Now I don't worry 'bout a thing

'Cause I know nothing's gonna be alright

Don't waste your time trying to be a go getter

Things will get worse before they get any better

You know there's always somebody playing with dynamite

But I don't worry 'bout a thing

'Cause I know nothing's going to be alright

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The same argument is being used by the government agents of vaccine resistance. The “even if it is true, it’s not important”.

Truth is important as it resists black holes. And arseholes.

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The essential element of 9/11 that is so little understood is that a False Dilemma propaganda strategy was used.

Those in power have us profiled into two main groups: ~90% believers / ~10% disbelievers. For the smaller psyops generally they simply target the 90% and expect 10% disbelief (which by definition doesn't include anyone at all of high status or at least anyone of high status willing to speak out), a situation that means the narrative isn't threatened.

In the big psyops, however, they push out one stream for the 90% and another for the 10% (broken into conflicting substreams) in order that everyone gets it wrong.

However - whatever streams - underneath the multiple layers of propaganda dust they tell us the truth. They have a rule known as Revelation of the Method which is ALWAYS obeyed. Ironically, though, it actually works better for them to tell us the truth in this way. It's such a strange phenomenon but it actually works better.


For 9/11 there were two stories:

Story A (90%) - Terrrorrrrists

Story B (10%) - US Government and its collaborators

Reality C: US government was responsible, however, the event isn't as depicted. It was really a demolition job (where the normal protocols of full evacuation were followed) and the airliner crashes were faked, cloaked in a massive Full-Scale Anti-Terror Exercise cloaked further in a terrorist attack. So simple really.


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Two curious comments by Stella Assange in her 'impromptu' speech at the Censorship Industrial Complex event hosted by Russell Brand: https://rumble.com/v2xtsg8-exposing-the-censorship-industrial-complex-part-2-159-stay-free-with-russel.html



"The High Court of England has made the completely inexplicable decision to not even allow him to appeal to the High Court. He made an application to appeal in September 2022 and it took a single judge 10 months to issue a 3 page decision, without engaging in any of the arguments, said that Julian is not allowed to appeal."


"How can this country the UK, possibly extradite him to the United States?"


It seems rather odd that she would be so naive at this point doesn't it. Is she acting?

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I suspect Stella is Julian's CIA handler

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A friend pointed out to me that Stella Moris (unusual spelling), formerly known as Sara Gonzalez Devant (but who knows what she was named at birth), is one letter different from Stella Maris and asked me to look up occult associations - I don't why she didn't do it herself! Anyway I found them.


While the occult associations with Stella Maris seem "all good" when we go a step further to La Sirene (associated with Stella Maris) it's quite interesting.


" ... but she does possess the capacity for violence and is not a spirit to be trifled with. Like her namesakes, the Sirens, La Sirène has associations with death. She lures those who offend her (like those who fail to pay their debts to her!) and drags them to a watery death. Like Fairies, La Sirène has a bit of a reputation as a baby snatcher, taking them to live with her in her undersea palace—an ominous image as in Vodou cosmology the realm of death is beneath the sea. La Sirène may rule a children’s realm of death."

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Yes, I had noticed that name change pointed out on an another online blog, very strange. The Vatican adopted the name Stella Maris for the Virgin Mary, ie 'Mary Star of the Sea' churches are seen all around the world. The real virgin though being Isis, whom the cabal are obsessed with. https://occult-world.com/isis/ Sirene sounds like what most of them are too though, baby snatchers. So probably using the double meaning. Very interesting thanks for sharing.

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Very interesting. Thank you. I always found he was fishy. Endless layers of lies are the characteristics of our age. But definitely, if one has tons of space on the media, that's a clue.

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Thank you, Niki. Space on the media does not seem to be afforded to those who truly oppose the agenda.

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Have you seen? They are speaking about letting him free...the soap opera is going to end soon

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Very important imho. Only a few go down this rabbit hole.

I did the math back in the day with Chomsky after having been an aficionado of his for some years. It's a Truman Show, not only for the sheeple but also for those who think they know.

Now that it is on substack, the puppet masters know that we know. It's the honeypot for people that are too smart for facebook. ;-)

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Excellent stuff Francis!

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Thank you.

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