"The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves"

Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov

Thankyou for an informative, newsworthy read Francis.

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Very interesting & well argued. Cheers, Francis.

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Controlled opposition is a real thing. I started off following all the popular freedom fighters until I figured out that you don't get a platform unless you're compromised.

I followed others who were completely shut down on all platforms and couldn't even get an account going in a different name.

If 'they' want to silence you they can & will, so if you're allowed to be heard, they don't consider you a threat. Read into that what you will.

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Great article Francis x

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Thanks Flip x

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Very interesting piece, thankyou.

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You're very welcome, Glenn.

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Thank you now all is clear.

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Have to say I always found the whole televised question rather convenient.

When you look at the whole controlled narrative being played out for so long, my own radar flipped up to when and why at that time were healthcare workers asked and given the opportunity to speak.

No care workers were given a chance to voice their objections or opinions, they were just bludgeoned with the get jabbed or lose your job mantra.

I have to say I quickly had a belly full of the lobotomised repeating government lies and propaganda in wanting to remove and infringe on your human rights to not participate in the scam.

Interestingly I found the most vocal were the ones who were sat at home and not working, those of us who were working knew people were not dropping like flies.

We engaged in conversations in each other’s workplaces, we knew it was a crock of shit and said lockdown should not be happening.

Those in paid holiday mode though thought death would come knocking on their door, had they not followed the rules and regulations to the letter, leaving us workers baffled to why we were not all dead and buried.

I’m the only one out of nine at work who didn’t take the dart, what makes me laugh is how not one of us serving thousands of people, plus handling endless amounts of cash caught a single thing until mass darting came about. Apart from me, every single one who caught it were laid up really ill with it, I had a sore throat for fours days and never even got a temperature.

One has even had shingles twice since their third and fourth dart, they’ve been left with neurological damage and are having a none malignant tumour removed next week that came out of nowhere.

They’ve no idea why all this has happened to them, they’re still deep in the narrative and their doctor isn’t going to admit they conned and damaged them.

The medical services itself has a lot to answer for, they could have shut this down before it got going had they been honest with the public.

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Thank you for this, Lizzy. Interesting point about the care home workers not having their opinions solicited in front of a TV audience. Interesting also that even though your co-workers all presumably shared a similar lockdown experience to you, as well as the conversations about how it shouldn't be happening, that they all then took the injection. It's bizarre that people cannot make the connection between all their sudden health problems and the jabs. Now that those health problems are happening it seems like it is harder than ever to achieve a GP appointment -should you still believe they serve the interests of health. The medical services do indeed have a lot to answer for.

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Francis O’Neill some took the darts to go on holiday, others took them to protect their loved ones, that I get and understand as they believed they were doing the right thing.

I however was never going to take something with no long term data to protect others, that can’t even be bothered to look after their own health properly themselves.

It’s not my job to babysit the lazy and over eaters who put themselves in the risk category. Problem these days is no one wants to take responsibility, I removed my risks by not wearing a mask, not hand sanitising and not getting darted.

When I eventually did catch the coof, I was told I was lucky not to be ill like my triple darted brother in law who need oxygen to help him breathe.

I’ve found it to be quite a common theme among the darted to be really ill with the coof, they’ve looked at me astounded when I’ve told them I had a sore throat for a few days, it just doesn’t sink in that they’ve been had.

Even my other half once had the audacity to tell me I was lucky enough to be protected by those who were darted around me, I told him to stop talking daft, I’d had the coof and my innate immune system had done its job. In fact I told him it was the other way round, me and the kids were protecting him with our natural sterilising immunity keeping it out of the home.

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Very interesting read. As a doctor on the brink of losing his career over this at the time, I can't help but be hugely grateful for the effectiveness of the Together Declaration group. That said, adversarial thinking like this is valuable.

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Thank you. I appreciate your comment. I don't intend it to be adversarial as much critical thinking, as it is excess of trust that has caused us so many problems.

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Jun 18, 2023
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Thank you Sion, I saw that.

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