Brilliant Francis thank you....as an artist have felt all of this very strongly over the last 4 years as am sure many other creatives have too... maybe we need a publicised conference to bring it to wider attention,to fight back?Please keep going on this topic... it is the essence of civilisation

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Thank you. It is our ability to transcend our animal instincts that elevates us. It is only in the interests of those who would have us operate as drones in a slave system for that impulse to be undeveloped or crushed.

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Working with apes & monkeys my whole life & noticing the similarities between them and the people around me this is absolutely my belief. The distraction & infantilization of society seems designed to keep us bickering over bananas.

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The black mirror has much to answer for. ADHD through a screen

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"autotelic" your turn to gift me with a word and absolutely in this regard always go with the flow.

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I think that it is simpler than that...and worse. Even Stalin was respecting Bulgakov'creativity.

No I think that those self appointed elites are the worst our planet ever had.

They hate life and they hate beauty. They hate happiness and harmony. The world they are planning is horrible from all points of view.

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