I’ve been waiting for you to do a full 9/11 analysis.

I guess I’m one of those who always knew the official narrative was off but didn’t spend any time researching it. Therefore, I suppose I was easily susceptible to ‘conspiracy’ theories. The ‘no planes’ theory is a case in point. I didn’t know any better and thought it a possibility.

I worked for an airline from 1999-2002. We used to have security briefings about Al-Qaeda and Bin Laden before it happened plus there was Concorde not long before. Sitting in a crew room watching it unfold on TV before boarding a plane was a weird experience. The passengers were silent for the entire flight. Fear and shock are huge drivers in manipulating behaviour.

I wish there was a way of scanning the internet to locate where the source of the misinformation (clipped footage, memes etc) first came from. You have to hand it to them, it’s been a very successful operation.

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Thank you for being open to this information. I remember those times too. Not long afterwards I was on a beach in New Zealand and a small aircraft buzzed low and noisily overhead. There was a palpable sense of uncertainty. People didn't really expect anything to happen but they couldn't be sure. The following year a young guy on acne medications apparently flew a light aircraft into the Bank of America in Tampa, mimicking the 9/11 attacks and citing US/ Israel foreign policy as his reasons.

Yes, it would be interesting to know from where some of the material originates but we do know the names of those who purport to advocate the truth but propagate the nonsense.

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While serving in the Army as a member of Alpha Company, 3rd US Infantry, Adam Eisenberg spent approximately 240 hours on site, with at least a hundred of his fellow servicemen, at the Pentagon on 9/11.

In short, he helped clean up the mess from the plane crash.

Except that, well, there was no plane, he argues.

Full podcast: https://jermwarfare.com/conversations/adam-eisenberg-no-plane-pentagon

The PentaCon on 9/11

When a missile AND a plane did not hit a target

Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/the-pentacon-on-911

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Essential reading by Prof David Hughes...

How Not To Critique Judy Wood

Francis O'Neill's intellectually flimsy attack on Judy Wood bears all the hallmarks of propaganda, undermining his credibility as a dissident voice.

Article: https://dhughes.substack.com/p/how-not-to-critique-judy-wood

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Have you ever had a conversation with Adam Eisenberg?

While serving in the Army as a member of Alpha Company, 3rd US Infantry, Adam Eisenberg spent approximately 240 hours on site, with at least a hundred of his fellow servicemen, at the Pentagon on 9/11.

In short, he helped clean up the mess from the plane crash.

Except that, well, there was no plane, he argues.

Full podcast: https://jermwarfare.com/conversations/adam-eisenberg-no-plane-pentagon

The PentaCon on 9/11

When a missile AND a plane did not hit a target

Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/the-pentacon-on-911

9/11 Truth Suppression Timeline

"The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves." - Vladimir Lenin

Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/911-truth-suppression-timeline

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See 'CIT's no Planes BS debunked in three minutes' on the upper left:


How would it have benefited the attackers to use something other than the already hijacked plane?

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Two articles, two podcasts and a documentary to get your question answered - You're welcome....

9/11 Planes: 3D VIPT vs Video Fakery and CGI

Is seeing believing, or believing seeing on 9/11?

Article: https://911planesresearch.substack.com/p/911-planes-3d-volumetric-image-projection

Illusion of Reality and the 9/11 Planes

Is seeing believing, or believing seeing on 9/11?

Article: https://911planesresearch.substack.com/p/illusion-of-reality-and-the-911-planes

Podcast with Jerm Warfare: https://jermwarfare.com/conversations/mark-conlon-on-there-being-no-planes-on-9-11

Adam Eisenberg at the PentaCON - While serving in the Army as a member of Alpha Company, 3rd US Infantry, Adam Eisenberg spent approximately 240 hours on site, with at least a hundred of his fellow servicemen, at the Pentagon on 9/11. In short, he helped clean up the mess from the plane crash. Except that, well, there was no plane, he argues.

Full podcast: https://jermwarfare.com/conversations/adam-eisenberg-no-plane-pentagon

Top 5 Facts of Sept 11, 2001 😎

1. Towers turned mostly to dust in mid-air using advanced cold-DEW technology.

2. Destruction at WTC resembles the Hutchison Effect.

3. Steven E. Jones covered up cold fusion in the 1990s and then 9/11 DEW in the 2000s.

4. NIST hired companies that specializes in psyops, DEW, and advanced optical 3D illusion technology, to investigate 9/11.

5. The "planes" involved 3D illusion technology.

Watch: 9/11 Alchemy - Facing Reality

Rumble Link: https://rumble.com/v42pr22-911-alchemy-facing-reality.html

YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/CrzNeZUp0tU

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A Presentation Discussing the Official Evidence & Telemetry Data of Flights AA11, UA175, AA77 & UA93

An Independent Investigation

Presentation: https://911planesresearch.substack.com/p/a-presentation-discussing-the-official

9/11 Planes: 3D VIPT vs Video Fakery and CGI

Is seeing believing, or believing seeing on 9/11?

Article: https://911planesresearch.substack.com/p/911-planes-3d-volumetric-image-projection

Illusion of Reality and the 9/11 Planes

Is seeing believing, or believing seeing on 9/11?

Article: https://911planesresearch.substack.com/p/illusion-of-reality-and-the-911-planes

Podcast with Jerm Warfare: https://jermwarfare.com/conversations/mark-conlon-on-there-being-no-planes-on-9-11

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Had to read it twice to follow you.

I remember hearing about it on a construction site just outise Cork, Ireland. We had lunch in a pub staring at the TV screens.

A friend sent me a Zeitgeist CD in 2007 and I had to sit down when the possibility of explosions was suggested. But I always thought, where there is smoke there is usually fire.

This is an interesting take. I believe your analysis is authentic.

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Essential reading by Prof David Hughes...

How Not To Critique Judy Wood

Francis O'Neill's intellectually flimsy attack on Judy Wood bears all the hallmarks of propaganda, undermining his credibility as a dissident voice.

Article: https://dhughes.substack.com/p/how-not-to-critique-judy-wood

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Essential reading by Prof David Hughes...

How Not To Critique Judy Wood

Francis O'Neill's intellectually flimsy attack on Judy Wood bears all the hallmarks of propaganda, undermining his credibility as a dissident voice.

Article: https://dhughes.substack.com/p/how-not-to-critique-judy-wood

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The remote control of the planes is perhaps the most important clue to understand how they did 9-11, in the simplest way to make it seem as much like a genuine terrorist attack as they could, knowing there would be so many witnesses. (It can also explain Flight 93 as it happens).

This is one of the most important psychological facts a lot of people forget. There would have been a planning meeting at which they go through all the things that could go wrong, in order to try and eliminate the bad luck/random factor. Once that's done, they can whittle down the options until they have one which has the least chance of them being exposed.

Similar thinking applies to the NYC part of the operation. There would have been thousands of ordinary New Yorkers who were not 'in on it', many of them armed with mobile phones with cameras, not to mention people with amateur video cameras, all capturing this major event (plus the voyeurism element), so the idea that the planners could get away with 'no planes' is psychologically absurd.

The planners would've decided on the most efficient, simple way to carry out the whole thing. Embellishments and misdirections come after that, but are only done if not jeopardising the main event.

Same applies to any other false flag we care to name.

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The misdirection was very likley to have been factored in prior to the event, in the unlikely plane trajectories, and the low level of impact at the Pentagon. They left trails for people to follow and issues for people to dispute.

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I would also agree with that. They would've had more than one planning meeting I'm sure! And it would be strange indeed if they didn't factor in misdirections, since they'd know there'd be conspiracy theories.

There's a very interesting speculative thesis there I think. Perhaps even a dark screenplay about a bunch of monsters planning all this. But done in a very deadpan, clinical way to emphasise their malevolence.

My main focus of interest, after all this time, has become the psychology of these evil creatures. It's important for people to understand them psychologically. All the manufactured arguments about 'how' an event happened (like with the DEWs and no-planes and so on) is a distraction from the essential psychological understanding.

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I believe it was a missile disguised as a small jet aircraft that struck the Pentagon. Have you seen Massimo Mazzucco's 9/11 documentary? I think it's the most comprehensive and accurate debunking of all aspects of the official narratives on 9/11. The Pentagon strike is detailed in the 2nd video and I recommend starting the series with "The Hijackers" section of Part 1...




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Yes Mike, I have seen A New Pearl Harbor many times. It is a shame that Mazzucco gets that wrong for the reasons I explain above.

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The plane speeds are considered in part 2 and the effects of fire and impact are considered above in.part 1. Please also see linked examples of other plane crashes in which planes are wholly destroyed.

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